Barrier free player
  • 23 Apr 2024

Barrier free player

Article summary

Barrier free (accessibility)

The player comes with a barrier free design in accordance with BITV 2.0 / EN 301 549, ensuring the player is accessible.

What is BITV test?

Its a procedure for comprehensive testing of the accessibility of websites, web applications, and apps. It checks the accessibility status of the web application measuring it against required parameters.

Following sections applicable to and satisfied by the player

Test step


Subtitle Display

When text-based subtitles (closed captions) are offered, the video player offers the option of showing and hiding them

Subtitle adjustment

Subtitles font reacts to screen size and adjust accordingly

Interactive non-text content

Alternate text for graphical content i.e. text description for on-screen elements

Recorded video with Subtitles

If the audio of a recorded video contains information, subtitles are provided as an alternative

No restiction on screen orientation

Both landscape and portrait modes are allowed

Sound can be switched off

Volume control

Sufficient contrast of text

A text contrast of at least 4.5:1 is provided all the times

Sufficient contrast for graphics and graphic controls

At least 3:1 contrast between graphical elements

Custom settings

Font settings are inherited from browser settings

Content on focus and hover

Additional content that appears when an element receive pointer or keyboard focus

Keyboard only (can be used without mouse)

Keyboard shortcuts to control the on screen elements

No keyboard trap

On-screen elements can be freely toggled via keyboard

Consistent sequence of the keyboard operation

Coherent and comprehensible sequence of operation via keyboard

Focus visible for current position

Keyboard focus clearly highlighted

No unexpected context change on focus

No unexpected context changes when changing focus between on-screen elements

No unexpected context change on input

All context changes occur below the triggering element, no context change or change of focus

Audio description for videos

Audio descriptions for  information-bearing visual video content

Labeling of form elements can be determined programmatically

Labels are linked via Markup to the form elements they label

Sensible order

Page content is sensible and usable order

Can be used without colours

Information conveyed via colours is also available without perceiving colour with appropriate highlighting

Text enlargeable to 200%

Text can be enlarged to 200% using zoom function in the browser

Text spacing adjustable

No content is lost when adjusting text spacing

Content breaks

Appropriate breakpoints applied

Error detection

Errors described in text form of form generated errors

Correct syntax (parsing)

Divs are not child elements for buttons

Meaningful heading and labels

Contents and captions are described meaning fully

Name, role and value available

Semantic information is present in the web component

*Not all the BITV 2.0 test steps are applicable to the player. Applicable test steps are listed here.

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