Add Interaction
  • 17 Sep 2024

Add Interaction

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Step 1

Locate the broadcast you wish to add new interactions to and click on the relevant row. The interaction form will open.

Step 2

If there are no interactions yet you can start to add a new one via the Create button in the middle of the screen. In case there are some interactions already the +Add Interaction button needs to be used at the top of the interaction list.

Additional option is also to click on 3dots action button on one of the interactions and via the Add new below option create a new one.

Step 3

Select the type of Interaction you’d like to add to the broadcast. There are several types of interactions available in the LiveStream Interactive portal and you need to set up different sets of data for them.

Step 4

Fill in the form based on the selected interaction type.


The trivia interaction is meant to prepare trivia questions with one question and multiple answers where the correct answer(s) are marked. Scores will be calculated based on the front-end user’s answers and these scores will affect their position in the Leaderboard. The trivia consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:

Portal FIELD


Question *

This is the trivia question

Layout type*

The type of the answer alignment. Vertical: the answer buttons are under each other Grid: the answer buttons are arranged in a grid setup (2 in a row, 3 in a row, 2-2 in 2 rows, 3 in 1st row + 2 in 2nd row, 3-3 in 2 rows)

Answer type*

The type of the answers on the buttons for Grid layout - Text - Image - Emoji

Custom colours

When enabled, all answers can have a custom colour set up on the form. Otherwise the buttons have the default colours, set on the Theme.

Answer 1 correctness marker

A checkbox next to each answer to indicate correctness. At least one answer has to be marked correct. Multiple answers can be marked as the correct one.

Answer 1 *

First answer to the trivia question

Answer 2 correctness marker

A checkbox next to each answer to indicate correctness. At least one answer has to be marked correct. Multiple answers can be marked as the correct one.

Answer 2 *

Second answer to the trivia question

Add Answer

A button to add up to 4 answers

Max points to earn

Score given to the end-user when answering correctly. In case the Max points to earn is 0 there is no score attached, the end-user will not earn any points by correct answers. Additional feature is that when both the Submission Time and the Max points to earn are defined, time-based scoring can be added. The end-users will earn points based on their answer time, so for example if the Max points to earn is set to 10 and the Submission time to 10 seconds, the end-users will lose 1 point by every second with their late answer.

Submission Time (sec)

Submission time in seconds. When the time ends, the phase changes to Pending. In case the Submission time is left empty there is no timer attached, the LiveStream Interactive Portal operator needs to push the interaction to the Pending phase manually.


The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

   Phase transitions:

  • Open to Pending

  • Pending to Start processing      

  • Start processing to Results ready

  • Results ready to Closed  Phase transitions Types:

  • Manual: action is needed from operator to go further to the next phase

  • Relative: after the defined  transition time (seconds) which counts from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the next phase

  • Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Examples

Type: Trivia Question: What day is it today?

Layout type: Vertical

Answer 1: Monday (correct)

Answer 2: Tuesday

Additional Answer: Wednesday

Submission time (sec): 30

Max points to earn: 10

The setup above will look like the preview attached, the question will be open for 30 seconds and with the answer “Monday” the end-user will earn max 10, min 1 point based on his reaction time.


The prediction interaction is meant to prepare questions with one question and multiple answers where the correct answer(s) are not known. Scores will be calculated based on the front-end user’s answers and these scores will affect their position in the Leaderboard. The prediction consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:



Question *

This is the prediction question

Layout type*

The type of the answer alignment. Vertical: the answer buttons are under each other Grid: the answer buttons are arranged in a grid setup (2 in a row, 3 in a row, 2-2 in 2 rows, 3 in 1st row + 2 in 2nd row, 3-3 in 2 rows)

Answer type*

The type of the answers on the buttons for Grid layout

- Text

- Image

- Emoji

Custom colours

When enabled, all answers can have a custom colour set up on the form. Otherwise the buttons have the default colours, set on the Theme.

Answer 1 *

First answer to the prediction question

Answer 2 *

Second answer to the prediction question

Add Answer

A button to add up to 4 answers

Max points to earn

Score given to the end-user when answering correctly. In case the Max points to earn is 0 there is no score attached, the end-user will not earn any points by correct answers. Additional feature is that when both the Submission Time and the Max points to earn are defined, time-based scoring can be added. The end-users will earn points based on their answer time, so for example if the Max points to earn is set to 10 and the Submission time to 10 seconds, the end-users will lose 1 point by every second with their late answer.

Submission Time (sec)

Submission time in seconds. When the time ends, the phase changes to Pending. In case the Submission time is left empty there is no timer attached, the LiveStream Interactive Portal operator needs to push the interaction to the Pending phase manually.


The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions:

  • ●  Open to Pending

  • ●  Pending to Start processing

  • ●  Start processing to Results ready

  • ●  Results ready to Closed

    Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: LiveStream Interactive action is needed from operator to go further to the next


  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which

    counts from the end of the previous phase it goes further

    automatically to the next phase

  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time

    (seconds) which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Examples

Layout type: Vertical

Question: Will it rain today?

Answer 1: Yes

Answer 2: No

Additional Answer: Just for 5 minutes

Submission time (sec): 180 Max points to earn: 10

The setup above will look like the preview attached, the question will be open for 3 minutes and with the correct answer (which will be defined by the operator)

Poll and Vote

The poll (and vote) interaction is meant to prepare poll questions with one question and multiple answers. Scores are not added to these questions. The poll and vote consists of the following data, Fields marked with * are mandatory:



Question *

This is the poll question

Layout type*

The type of the answer alignment. Vertical: the answer buttons are under each other Grid: the answer buttons are arranged in a grid setup (2 in a row, 3 in a row, 2-2 in 2 rows, 3 in 1st row + 2 in 2nd row, 3-3 in 2 rows)

Answer type*

The type of the answers on the buttons for Grid layout

- Text

- Image

- Emoji

Custom colours

When enabled, all answers can have a custom colour set up on the form. Otherwise the buttons have the default colours, set on the Theme.

Answer 1 *

First answer to the poll question

Answer 2 *

Second answer to the poll question

Add Answer

A button to add up to 4 answers

Submission Time (sec)

Submission time in seconds. When the time ends, the phase changes to Pending. In case the Submission time is left empty there is no timer attached, the LiveStream Interactive Portal operator needs to push the interaction to the Pending phase manually.

Time-manage ment

The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions:

  • ●  Open to Pending

  • ●  Pending to Start processing

  • ●  Start processing to Results ready

  • ●  Results ready to Closed

    Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: LiveStream Interactive Portal action is needed from operator to go further to the next


  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from

    the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the next


  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds)

    which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Examples

Type: Poll

Layout type: Vertical

Question: Do you feel great today?

Answer 1: Yes

Answer 2: No

The setup above will look like the preview attached and the question will be open until it is closed in the LiveStream Interactive Portal.


The announcement interaction is meant to prepare quick announcements with title, subtitle and a button. This is shown only one time in the front-end, after the interaction disappears, and can't be rewatched. The announcement consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:



Title *

The announcement title


The announcement subtitle

Add image button

Option to add image

URL/External link

Link to an external site

Button text

The copy that appears on the button with the external URL

Closing Time (sec)

Closing time in seconds. When the time ends, the interaction is closing. In case the Closing time is left empty there is no timer attached, the LiveStream Interactive Portal operator needs to push the interaction to the Closed phase manually or the end-user can close it manually in the Interactive layer.

Time-manage ment

The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions: ● Open to Closed

Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: LiveStream Interactive Portal action is needed from operator to go further to the next


  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from

    the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the next


  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds) which

    counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Examples

Type: Announcement

Title: It’s a beautiful day!

Subtitle: So let’s do something fun outside!

Announcement URL:

Button text: Visit website


Closing time (sec): 30 The setup above will look like the preview attached, and it will be open for 30 seconds.

Product item

For product promotions the product item interaction can be used. The product item consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:



Title *

The product item title

Cover image

The product item’s cover image to be shown in the notification and in the list page


Additional images which are shown in an image viewer on the detail page

Add image button

Option to add images that will be shown in a carousel

Notification title

The title which appears in the notification

Notification text

The text which appears in the notification


The original price for the product item in the global currency


The discount percentage

Discount Price

The discount price for the product item in the global currency


The product item description

Product ID

The Product ID of the product, this can be personalized to the external system where the products are stored.

External URL

The External URL where the Buy button redirects

Product ID attribute name

The attribute name of the Product ID, this can be personalized to the external system where the products are stored.

Buy button copy

The copy of the buy button


The additional fields for setting up attribute(s) of the product, i.e. size, color

Closing Time (sec)

Closing time in seconds. When the time ends, the interaction is closing. In case the Closing time is left empty there is no timer attached, the operator needs to push the interaction to the Closed phase manually or the end-user can close it manually in the Interactive layer.


The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions: ● Open to Closed

Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: Action is needed from operator to go further to the

    next phase

  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts

    from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to

    the next phase

  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds)

    which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Example
Type: Product item

Title: T-shirt

Cover image:  


Notification title: Check out this cool t-shirt!

Notification text: It’s available in our webshop

Price: 10

Discount: 20

Discount price: 8

Description: - 100% cotton- easy-iron

External URL:

Buy button copy: Add to cart

Attribute name: size

Attribute ID: size

Size 1: S

Size 2: M

Size 3: L

Attribute name: color

Attribute ID: color

Color 1: green

Color 2: blue

Color 3: orange

The setup above will look like the preview attached.

Live reaction

Click on the emojis which you’d like to add to your selection so they will be selectable on the front-end side.



Emoji selector

Allows the operator to choose x out of y emojis that will be available in a panel to the end-users in the client. The minimum number of emojis is 1, the maximum is 5. When only 1 emoji is selected, that is shown as a button in the bottom right corner of the client.


The name of the emoji collection

Time-manage ment

The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions: ● Open to Closed

Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: Action is needed from operator to go further to the

    next phase

  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts

    from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to

    the next phase

  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds)

    which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Example

The selected emojis in the Portal (top) will be shown as you can see in the preview below them.


You can place a countdown to your broadcast, once the time is up you still need to close the interaction manually. The countdown consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:



Title *

This title appears above the counter and can be defined for each countdown specifically

Last minute message

This last minute message is shown in the last 60 seconds of the countdown instead of the Title and the counter

Countdown type

The countdown can be set to count back to a specific Date & Time or as Timer which counts back from the amount of the defined seconds.

Date * & Time *

Date and time to which the countdown counts back to.


The amount of seconds to count back from

Closing Time (sec)

Closing time in seconds. When the time ends, the interaction is closing. In case the Closing time is left empty there is no timer attached, the operator needs to push the interaction to the Closed phase manually or the end-user can close it manually in the Interactive layer.

Time-manage ment

The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions:

● Open to Closed

Phase transition types:

● Manual: Action is needed from operator to go further to the next phase

●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the next phase

●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase


💡 Example

Preview of the countdown


When you’d like to ask the opinion of your audience about a certain topic, you can set up a Rating interaction. It is also possible to link this rating to one of the items in the Highlights page and the result will be then also visible in the details page of this certain item. The rating consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:







Rating override

The option to override the result (average)

Link to Product item

Option to link the product to one of the already entered product items.

Show in linked product offer?

As part of the product item, the rating can be shown or hidden on the product detail page

Submission Time (sec)

Submission time in seconds. When the time ends, the phase changes to Pending. In case the Submission time is left empty there is no timer attached, the operator needs to push the interaction to the Pending phase manually.

Time-manage ment

The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions:

  • ●  Open to Pending

  • ●  Pending to Start processing

  • ●  Start processing to Results ready

  • ●  Results ready to Closed

Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: Action is needed from operator to go further to the next


  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts

    from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the

    next phase

  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds)

    which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Example

Type: Rating

Text: How is your day so far?

Cover mage:

The setup above will look like the preview attached.


The estimation interaction is meant to prepare questions with answers within an interval. Scores will be calculated based on the front-end user’s answers and these scores will affect their position in the Leaderboard. The estimation consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:



Text *

This is the question which needs to be estimated

Allow free input


Min value*

The lower bound of the interval for the estimates

Max value*

The upper bound of the interval for the estimates

Value step*

The step between the values in the selector

Points deduction (per step)

Score deducted from the correct answer’s score for every step away. Itis not available when time=based scoring is added to the calculation.

Correct Value*

The value of the correct estimate

Max points to earn

Score given to the end-user when answering correctly. In case the Max points to earn is 0 there is no score attached, the end-user will not earn any points by correct answers. Additional feature is that when both the Submission Time and the Max points to earn are defined, time-based scoring can be added. The end-users will earn points based on their answer time, so for example if the Max points to earn is set to 10 and the Submission time to 10 seconds, the end-users will lose 1 point by every second with their late answer.

Submission Time (sec)

Submission time in seconds. When the time ends, the phase changes to Pending. In case the Submission time is left empty there is no timer attached, the  operator needs to push the interaction to the Pending phase manually.


The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

Phase transitions:

       ● Open to Pending

       ●  Pending to Start processing

       ●  Start processing to Results ready

  • ●  Results ready to Closed

Phase transition types:

  • ●  Manual: Action is needed from operator to go further to the next phase

  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the

    next phase

  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Example

Type: Estimation

Text: How many papers are in this pile?

Free value input: not checked

Min value: 100

Max value: 500 Value

step: 50

Correct answer: 150

Max points to earn: 50

Point deduction (per step): 10

The setup above will look like the preview attached.

Estimation poll

The estimation poll interaction is meant to prepare questions with answers within an interval. Scores are not added, this interaction provides the poll/vote result on a column chart including the average of given answers. The estimation poll consists of the following data, fields marked with * are mandatory:



Text *

This is the question which needs to be estimated

Allow free input


Min value*

The lower bound of the interval for the estimates

Max value*

The upper bound of the interval for the estimates

Value step*

The step between the values in the selector

Submission Time (sec)

Submission time in seconds. When the time ends, the phase changes to Pending. In case the Submission time is left empty there is no timer attached, the operator needs to push the interaction to the Pending phase manually.

Time-manage ment

The different phases of the interactions can be managed by defining the phase transition and the transition time.

      Phase transitions:

  • ●  Open to Pending

  • ●  Pending to Start processing

  • ●  Start processing to Results ready

  • ●  Results ready to Closed

  • Phase transitions Types:

  • ●  Manual: Action is needed from operator to go further to the next phase

  • ●  Relative: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the end of the previous phase it goes further automatically to the next phase

  • ●  Relative to broadcast: after the defined transition time (seconds) which counts from the broadcast start it goes further automatically to the next phase

💡 Example

Type: Estimation poll

Text: How many papers are in this pile?

Free value input: not checked

Min value: 1

Max value: 25

Value step: 1

The setup above will look like the preview attached.

Step 5

Time management

Every interaction goes through phases from opening till closing. These phases can be managed via the time-management settings in an automatic or manual way.

The interaction phases are the followings:

  • New: the cms admin created the interaction, it is not yet visible for the end-users

  • Open: the end-users can interact, i.e submit an answer for a trivia question

  • Pending: the end-users can’t interact anymore because the Submission time is up or the operator stopped the interaction

  • Results: the end-users can see the results

  • Closed: the end-users can’t see the interaction anymore

Under timing settings of the interaction. For new interactions you can see the default values (set in the Settings page) pre-filled. To see how you can manage the default settings, go to the Setting chapter.

To override the default settings you can change the followings:

The Open to Pending phase set as “Relative” or “Relative to broadcast” is defining the Submission time. When you set this phase as Manual, you need to push the interaction to the next phase by the STOP button manually, no automation is added.

Pending the Results: when you’d like to start to calculate the results automatically (get from Pending to Results phase) after the interaction’s time is up or the interaction has been stopped via the STOP button on the active interactions list, you need to select Relative or Relative tobroadcast options and provide the seconds for the duration.

I.e. you set this value to 5 seconds means that 5 seconds after the interaction has been stopped, the results will be shown automatically. In case you would like to start the processing and showing of the results by a manual action (press the SHOW RESULTS button) you need to select the Manual option.

Results to Close: when you’d like to close the interaction automatically (get from Results to Closed phase) after the results have been shown via the SHOW RESULTS button on the active interactions list, you need to select Relative or Relative to broadcast options and provide the seconds for the duration.

I.e. you set this value to 5 seconds means that 5 seconds after the results have been shown, the interaction will be closed automatically. In case you would like to close the interaction by a manual action (press the CLOSE button) you need to select the Manual option.

Step 6

If you have made any changes press the Add button so the interaction will be saved. If you'd like to close the form without saving you can click on Cancel.

If you have filled in any invalid data or left any mandatory fields empty you will get an error message and the changes will not yet be saved. You need to correct the data and then press Add again. If everything was filled-in correctly the changes will be saved and confirmed.

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