After the event
  • 18 Jan 2024

After the event

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After the event

List of attendees

In the cockpit, you can see all users that have attended the event. Please note that this list only contains the emails that have been marked as public.

Please note as well that if a user connects several times as a guest, they can be shown multiple times in this list.

Note that you can now download the list of attendees (indicated by the ↓ symbol) as a .csv file, which also includes all the custom fields from their profiles, including their e-mail addresses.

You can also opt to show those fields in the list of visible columns.


Analytics are essential to improve every event, and that’s why we want to provide you with all the information that you can retrieve about your event. On the dashboard tab you can see:

  • How many users are online.

  • How many minutes all your participants have spent online inside your event. Here you can also get a detailed report of all the sessions of your attendees (which areas of the event they have been and how much time they spent there, in an anonymised way).

  • Which rooms were more popular, as well as a detailed report of all sessions for each room by participant.

  • Results of the polls you have created as well as who voted on which poll (in case the polls are not anonymous).

On the main part of the dashboard, you can see a timeline with the amount of users that have been connected to your event at each minute.

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