AI Services
  • 17 Jan 2024

AI Services

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Use AI to Generate Metadata for Your Videos

VideoManager Pro's AI Services feature can be used to automatically generate metadata for your videos. This metadata can include keywords, labels, topics, and subtitles.

AI Indexing

To use the AI indexing feature, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the video list in VideoManager Pro.

  • Click the gear icon to open the "Video Upload Settings" menu.

  • Select the language of your video from the drop-down menu.

  • Click the toggle next to the type of metadata you'd like to generate (see table below for the different metadata types):

Metadata type



tells the AI service to detect what your video should be organized as and tag it accordingly, using speech recognition and OCR.


tells the AI service to detect and name objects and actions that are in your video.


tells the AI service to detect and generate a list of what your video is about.


generate subtitles in your selected language for your video.

Viewing toggles

To view the toggles, you need "Edit videos" and/or "Edit subtitles" rights.

  • Click the upload button and follow the normal process for uploading a video. The service will generate the metadata you selected.

  • When the video finishes uploading, the generated metadata will be available in the Metadata accordion menu. A green icon will appear beneath the video indicating the source language.

  • If you chose to generate subtitles, they will be shown in the subtitle management area.

Administrators can track how many minutes of video have been analyzed by the AI service in the VideoManager Pro administration area.

AI Metadata

VideoManager Pro AI can help you simplify the process of adding metadata to your videos.

Metadata is information about a video, such as its title, description, keywords, and topics.

It can be helpful for organizing and searching your videos, and it can also be used to improve the discoverability of your videos on search engines.

To generate metadata for videos using VideoManager Pro AI, follow these steps:

  • Open the VideoManager Pro interface.

  • Select the video you want to generate metadata for.

  • Click the Metadata accordion menu.

Source language already set

If you have previously set the source language for this video, click the Generate Metadata button and choose the type of metadata you want to generate.

Source language not set

If you have not previously set the source language for this video,

  • select a language from the drop-down menu and enable the toggles for the type of metadata you want to generate.

  • The AI service will generate the metadata you selected. Once finished, the automatically generated metadata will appear in the Metadata accordion menu. If you chose to generate subtitles, they will be shown in the subtitle management area.


AI Service and Existing Metadata

The AI service will not overwrite or remove existing metadata from a video. Instead, metadata generated with the AI service will be added to the video along with any existing metadata.

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