  • 17 Sep 2024


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The Broadcast allows you to manage the interactions in the LiveStream Interactive Portal - so you can display these to the users of your front-end applications during your live event. This chapter will show you how to set up new broadcasts and attached interactions and how to change/enhance the existing ones.

Broadcast form fields:




The broadcast "Name" is used as reference in the system. This field is mandatory.

Start date and time

The “Date” and “Time” are optional fields but once these are specified there is an option to add Auto-start and optionally duration with auto-close options. The auto starting or closing only available when scheduling is enabled under the Broadcast Settings page under the Settings menu item.


The authentication template which contains all authentication related settings. The default template is automatically selected.


When Livestreaming set-up is configured, this is the list of available streams.


The locale which defines how the currencies, amounts and date/time within the front-end application will be formatted and which language will be loaded. The setup of the items are: Country, Language

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