Configuring new player
  • 05 Aug 2024

Configuring new player

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This guide provides detailed instructions for configuring a new video player using the VideoManager Pro (VMPro) platform. The key configuration sections include Player Theme and Player Controls, ensuring the player meets specific aesthetic and functional needs.

  1. Player Theme

    Customise the player's appearance with options for dark or light themes, and specific color configurations for primary elements, control bar backgrounds, and icon colours.


    • Navigate to the ‘Player Generator’ section

    • Select or create a new player

    • Choose 'Player Theme' and configure:

      • Color Theme: Choose between predefined dark or light themes to set the overall appearance

      • Primary Color: Select the primary color which affects key elements such as the player button and progress bar

      • Control Bar Background: Set the background gradient for the control bar

      • Icons Color: Define the color for on-screen elements, with active icons adopting the primary color.


  1. Player controls

    Configure how viewers interact with the player by selecting the UI controls appropriate for different screen sizes.


    • Accessing Player Controls

      • In the ‘Player Generator’ section, click on 'Player Controls'

    • Selecting Controls

      • For players with a width greater than 360px, all controls are available for selection

      • For players with a width less than 360px, only a maximum of 4 controls can be selected

    • Available Controls



      Play/Pause Button

      Toggles playback


      Allows use of mute/unmute button


      When available, Opens a menu to select subtitles and audios

      Fullscreen mode

      Expands the player to fullscreen mode

      Progress Bar

      Shows video progress and allows seeking

      Playback Settings

      Accesses quality and subtitle options

      Loop video

      Video plays in loops

      Video length

      Shows video length in control bar

      Bigplay button

      Central button to click and play video


  1. Additional settings

    Configure more playback and viewers intercations to customize player bheaviour at intialization

    Autoplay video

    Automatically starts video playback immediately after page load.

    Please note, browsers allow video auto-play based on certain criterias. The player first tries to play the video with audio, if the browser blocks it then the video is played muted.

    Show Download Menu

    Enables viewers to download the video source file in desired quality by showing download menu in the player. When enabled, a download icon is shown in the player that when clicked opens the download menu from which the viewer can selected the desired video quality.

    Note: The download menu will be shown in the player only if the played video has ‘Download release’ enabled in Security settings in VMPro

    Show consent dialog

    Shows a consent dialog on the share page to seek user consent to enable full tracking. When diabled         only number of plays are tracked, to adhere to GDPR guidelines


    • To get full analytics for the shared page links, please keep the option enabled.

    • Primary color selected in the ‘Player Theme’ settings is applied as highlight color to consent dialog

Applying changes

Once you have selected the desired configuration, click on ‘Apply’ under the preview player to save your changes

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