Consent information
  • 08 Feb 2023

Consent information

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Necessary cookies

These cookies ensure that our video services functions properly and cannot be switched off. The web application capabilities may not work properly if these cookies are disabled.
Analytical/Performance cookies

Analytical and performance cookies track your actions in our video services for a specified time period. Data collected by these cookies track application usage and errors, ensuring analytics availability and smoother user experience.


Functionally necessary:

KeyTypeSet byPurpose of the processingStorage PeriodProvider
AUTH_SESSION_IDCookieVMPRoLogin functionality - ID of the current authentication sessionSession1st Party
AUTH_SESSION_ID_LEGACYCookieVMPRoLogin functionality- ID of the current authentication sessionSession1st Party
KC_RESTARTCookieVMPRoCreated at the beginning of the session and contains client information encoded in the JSW token. Used to re-create a new session from the information providedSession1st Party
kc-callback-#CookieVMPRoLogin functionalitySession1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSaves session information about the view selected in the video listPersistent1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSaves current user emailPersistent1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSets current JSON access token for loginPersistent1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSets current JSON Id token for loginPersistent1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSets current JSON refresh token. Used when the token is about to expirePersistent1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSets current VideoManager IdPersistent1st Party storage ItemVMPRoSets current VideoManager listPersistent1st Party
ct-tokenLocal storage ItemCorporateTube, VMProSets the CorporateTube token for loginPersistent1st Party
ct-web-lngLocal storage ItemCorporateTubeSets the CorporateTube language IdPersistent1st Party
ct-refresh-tokenLocal storage ItemCorporateTubeSets the CorporateTube refresh tokenPersistent1st Party
ct-is-publicLocal storage ItemCorporateTubeDetermines if CorporateTube account is publicly accessiblePersistent1st Party
isSiteLoadedSession Storage ItemCorporateTubeChecks if the site is already loadedSession1st Party Storage ItemWebcastSets current JSON access token for loginSession1st Party Storage ItemWebcastSets system usage information about the Webcast account, such as  default language and optional fieldsSession1st Party
angular-cache.caches.currentUser.keysSession Storage ItemWebcastSaves keys for information accessSession1st Party Storage ItemWebcastSets system usage information about the current user, such as user role and active/inactive statusSession1st Party
RUM_EPISODESLocal storage ItemPlayerCollects performance informationPersistent3rd Party
rampapi.uuidLocal storage ItemPlayerCollects product performance informationPersistent3rd Party
movingimage.player.user_consentLocal storage ItemPlayerDetermines if user consents to data trackingPersistent1st Party
bitmovinplayer_configLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTubeDetermines the start bit rate for playing videos and stores other settings such as the audio volumePersistent3rd Party
VASTUtilLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastFetch and parse Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) documentsPersistent3rd Party
totalCallsLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastFetch and parse Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) documentsPersistent3rd Party
totalCallsTimeoutLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastFetch and parse Digital Video Ad Serving Template (VAST) documentsPersistent3rd Party
cookie-banner.user_consentLocal Storage ItemVMPRoDetermines user consent to data trackingPersistent1st Party
_mp_opt_in_out#Local Storage ItemVMPRoDetermines user consent to data trackingPersistent1st Party


KeyTypeProductPurposeStorage PeriodProvider
akamai_clientIdLocal storage ItemPlayerAssigns an anonymous identifier to each visitor who plays a video. Used to analyse the video media player.Persistent3rd Party
AkamaiAnalytics_BrowserSessionIdSession Storage ItemPlayerAssigns an anonymous identifier to each visitor who plays a video. Used to analyse the video media player.Session3rd Party
HTML_BitRateBucketCsvCookiePlayerStores player usage information to analyze the video media playerSession3rd Party
HTML_isPlayingCountCookiePlayerStores player usage information to analyze the video media playerSession3rd Party
HTML_VisitCountCookieCookiePlayerStores player usage information to analyze the video media playerSession3rd Party
HTML_VisitIntervalStarCookiePlayerStores player usage information to analyze the video media playerSession3rd Party
HTML_VisitValueCookieCookiePlayerStores player usage information to analyze the video media playerSession3rd Party
youboraOffline.viewsLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube, WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.youboraDeviceUUIDLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube, WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.accCodeLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube, WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.dataLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.dataTimeLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.hostLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.sessionLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube , WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
youbora.sessionExpireLocal storage ItemPlayer, CorporateTube, WebcastStores product usage information to support analyticsPersistent3rd Party
_mpq#_#Local Storage ItemVMPRo, WebcastStores product interaction informationPersistent3rd Party
mp_#_mixpanelCookieVMPRo, WebcastStores product interaction information1 Year3rd Party

Some of the cookies listed above could be set by our player, which is an integral part of our products (VMPro, Webcast or CorporateTube).

If you are embedding the player or would like to know which cookies are set by the player, consult this article.

Confirm and reject the use of cookies

You can accept or reject the use of cookies by confirming your preferences in the cookie consent dialog box.

The cookie dialog box is found in the notification banner and in our web application.

You cannot reject essential cookies, since they are required for the web application to function correctly.

If you choose to reject cookies,

  • you may still use our web application
  • the web application may not work correctly
  • you may also set or amend your web browser controls to accept or refuse cookies.

How to revoke existing consent

For information on how to revoke existing consent, please consult this article.

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