Controlling the player
  • 18 Jan 2024

Controlling the player

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JavaScript API for Movingimage Video Player

Basic player functions

  • Play: (optional: start playing at a specific time in seconds)

  • Pause: player.pause()

  • Stop: player.stop()

  • Forward: player.forward(millis) (fast forward by a number of milliseconds)

  • Rewind: player.rewind(millis) (rewind by a number of milliseconds)

  • Set volume: player.setVolume(volume) (set the volume to a level between 0.0 and 1.0)

  • Toggle mute: player.toggleMute()

  • Get current time: player.getCurrentTime() (returns the current video time in seconds)

  • Get duration: player.getDuration() (returns the duration of the current video in seconds)

  • Get buffered time: player.getBufferedTime() (returns the total time of the video that has been buffered in seconds)

Subtitle functions

  • Get text track: player.getTextTracks() (returns a list of all available subtitles)

  • Set text track: player.setTextTrack(trackId) (sets the standard subtitle track by specifying the track ID)

  • Disable text track: player.disableTextTrack()



<div mi24-video-player id="user-defined-id" video-id="video-id" player-id="player-id" channel-id="channel-id" config-type="vmpro" flash-path="//" api-url="//"></div>


window.addEventListener("load", (event) => {
  setTimeout(function () {
    const player = VideoPlayer.Collection.getPlayerById("user-defined-id");
    const tracks = player.getTextTracks() || [];
    if (tracks[0] && tracks[0].id) {
  }, 2000);

This code will automatically enable the first subtitle track when the video loads.

Chapter functions

  • Add chapter: player.addChapter({start, title, description, thumbnail}) (adds a chapter to the player dynamically)

  • Update chapter: player.updateChapter(millis, {start, title, description, thumbnail}) (updates an existing chapter)

  • Delete chapter: player.deleteChapter(millis) (deletes a chapter by its start time)



// Add a new chapter at 3 seconds with the given title, description, and thumbnail
  start: 3000,
  title: "Chapter 1",
  description: "description for chapter 1",
  thumbnail: "//",

// Update the chapter that starts at 3 seconds
VideoPlayer.Collection.getPlayerById("player_container_id").updateChapter(3000, {
  title: "Chapter 3",

// Delete the chapter that starts at 3 seconds


The Player JavaScript API provides a comprehensive set of functions for controlling basic player functions, subtitles, and chapters. This documentation provides a brief overview of the API, but for more detailed information, please consult this article.

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