Customize look and feel
  • 19 Jan 2024

Customize look and feel

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Customize look and feel

To customize the event itself, you can navigate to the "Look & Feel" tab in the side navigation menu:

This tab comprises three options:

  • Navigation Bar

  • Theme Colors

  • Event Map

Navigation Bar

You can customize the look and feel of the navigation bar by changing the visibility, label, icon, and order of each option.

As well, you can change the order of the buttons in the navigation bar.

You can also add  rooms and categories to your navigation bar by clicking on "New Area".

To change each of the respective settings, click on the different buttons.

To change the order of the buttons in the navigation bar, drag the item up or down to change the position it is shown on the navigation bar.

Theme Colors

As well, you can customize the colors and logo of your event.

Specifically, you can change the topbar color, the primary color and the secondary color for your event.

Where required, you can also click on Advanced Styling Settings to change the following:

  • Title color

  • Sidebar primary background color

  • Sidebar secondary background color

  • Sidebar icons color

  • Sidebar selected icons color

  • Sidebar text color

  • Custom Font

Custom Event Map

You can also configure an event map for your virtual event.

To use a custom event map, ensure that the "Custom event map" option is enabled:

In addition to using an image for your custom event map, you can now also add videos.

To do this, create a custom map by clicking on "Custom Event Map Builder"

You will then be taken to the event map builder:

Drag and drop an image file. Then, click on the video button and draw a rectangular shape somewhere in the image you uploaded.

Then, provide the URL to the desired video. If needed, you can also enable autoplay of the video.

Then, click "Save".

You will then see the custom event map with the added video.

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