Edit a player
  • 17 Jan 2024

Edit a player

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In addition to creating and configuring a player, you can also customize a player further.

Disable an Existing Player

Deactivate a player

You can disable existing players in video management to prevent video editors from using outdated players. Once a player is disabled, it will no longer be available for selection in video management.

However, it will not affect any videos that have already been published with this player. If you edit the disabled player, all changes made will be applied to previously published videos.

To disable a player, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Player Generator area

  • In the left panel, click the player that you want to disable.


  • Click the three dots icon next to the player name.

  • Select Deactivate.

  • Click Yes to confirm.

The player will be disabled and marked as such. It will no longer be available for selection in video management.

Activate a disabled player

  • In the navigation, go to "All Players" and highlight the disabled player that you want to activate.

  • Click the three dots icon next to the player name.

  • In the context menu, click Activate.

The player will be reactivated and will be available for video publishing.

How to delete a player

  • In the navigation area, select the player that you want to delete.

  • Click the three dots icon next to the player name.

  • In the context menu, click Delete.

  • A message dialog will open warning you that embed codes using this player ID will not be playable after deletion.

  • If you still want to delete the player, click Delete. The player will be immediately removed from the list.

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