Streaming protocol
  • 20 Jun 2024

Streaming protocol

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Before you begin

You can use two streaming protocols for your LiveStream Pro, RTMPS and SRT.
This article describes the advantages and disadvantages of each protocol, their security configurations and how to set them up in OBS.


LiveSteam Pro enables the use of both RTMPS and SRT protocols to stream audio, video, and data over the Internet. Both open-source protocols have different strengths when it comes to the optimization of video streaming.


RTMP stands for Real-Time Messaging Protocol. RTMPS is a variation that uses secure SSL connections to minimize the risk of cloud-based streaming. It works well for town halls and one-to-many broadcasts. It maintains a persistent TCP connection between the video player and the server and ensures a reliable stream to the end-user.

Ingest server authentication

For increased security, RTMPS streaming will have username and password authentication enabled by default for the ingest server. You can copy and paste the credentials into the supported encoders.

If the encoder does not support ingest authentication, or if you want to stream from a third-party application like virtual meeting rooms, you can disable this option. The incoming stream will then be accepted without a username and password.


SRT, which stands for Secure Reliable Transport, is specifically developed for streaming with low latency over networks that may be weaker or unpredictable. Like RMTPS, SRT is a persistent protocol that efficiently utilizes bandwidth. Additionally, SRT serves as a secure streaming protocol, simplifies firewall traversal, and ensures high-quality video delivery even over challenging network conditions.

For more information on how to work with OBS, consult this article.

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