EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
  • 19 Jan 2024

EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

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EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

The movingimage Webcast is compliant with the EU GDPR. When enabling the Registration or interactivity features, viewers must supply personally-identifiable information (PII) which is therefore protected under the GDPR.

Any Webcast customer that is based in, or expects to stream to viewers within the EU must be configured to include a link to the privacy policy of the customer. This policy must cover the intentions of the customer towards the storage and processing of viewer data.

In addition, the movingimage privacy policy will be automatically linked to when requesting PII to support the enabled features.

Marking a customer as operating under GDPR

Within the Customer update form, enable the checkbox GDPR applies to this Customer in the EU General Data Protection Regulations – GDPR panel.

Then enter a URL to the customer's privacy policy. It is recommended to use an HTTPS link.

Enforcing GDPR in Registration or Chat/Q&A

When a Webcast is configured for Registration and/or Chat/Q&A interactivity features, and GDPR is in effect, viewers must positively agree to the storage and processing of their PII. 


Chat / Q&A

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