Home - Attendee Guide
  • 18 Jan 2024

Home - Attendee Guide

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Home - Attendee Guide

Receive an invitation e-mail

Your event organizer will send you an email invitation.

If you have not received an e-mail message, check your junk folder or contact the organizer.

You should use one of the following browsers for Virtual Events:

  • Chrome

  • Firefox

  • Chromium Edge.

Landing Page

The invitation e-mail will contain a link.

Click on the link to access the event landing page:

The event landing page will contain a banner, the name and date of your event.

There might also be an event description.

If the event has not yet started, you will see a button saying "add to calendar".

Sometimes, you might see the "Register" button.

If the event has already started, you will see the "Join Event Now" button:

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