Home Page
  • 22 Mar 2024

Home Page

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The home page is the landing page for your company's video portal. Here, at a glance, you can see all videos and channels that have been uploaded to your company's video portal. At the top, a featured video is displayed. This video is either the newest video uploaded to your company's portal, or a specific video selected by your administrator. From the home page, you can navigate to all the other areas of CorporateTube and begin uploading and viewing videos on the portal. 


Your organization's CorporateTube administrator sets up channels, which are lists of videos related by subject or theme. Channels can be named according to different departments or intended use. Sub-channels can be created under each channel to further categorize videos.

To access sub-channels, click the main channel name in the navigation bar and select an option from the dropdown menu. From there, you can sort videos by plays, rating, upload date, or title.

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If you hover with your mouse over a thumbnail of a video in a video list, you can already see a small preview of the video.

Control Bar

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The control bar provides access to the settings enabled by your video portal administrator. You can change the interface language using the language button in the upper right corner. The default options include English, German, French, and Italian.

If your administrator has added links, you can access them by clicking the Screenshot 2019-05-20 at 11.15.43icon. Once you upload videos, you can access the 'My videos' page from the drop-down menu.

By pinning your favorite videos, you can easily access them later via the control bar.


Use the language button in the upper right corner to switch the CorporateTube language.

The interface is currently offered in English, German, French and Italian.

Multi-language support for video metadata

Video metadata in multiple languages are supported in CorporateTube. Specifically, this refers to titles, descriptions, and keywords.

If you switch CorporateTube from one language to another, both the interface and video content is switched to the new language.

In addition, you will be able to view, upload, and look for content for any supported language.

First, you will need to enable metadata for the selected language in VideoManager Pro to enable metadata multilingual support.

Then, enter the metadata and channel names in the desired language.

Note that you must provide the metadata localization and the channel localization separately.


Channel and sub-channel names are displayed in the language selected.

If the channel or sub-channel name has not been translated, they will be shown in the default language.


Video metadata refers to a the title, description and keyword of the video.

When a specific language is selected, the translation of the title, description, and keyword will be shown in the selected language.

If the metadata for a selected language is not available, the default metadata will be shown.

My Videos

"My videos" is only available for internal CorporateTube accounts that use Single Sign-on (SSO).

The My Videos area lists all the videos that you, personally, have uploaded to your organization's CorporateTube. From here you can jump to editing or deleting videos you've uploaded. You can edit descriptions and keywords, as well as video titles and adding or removing channels the video is associated with.  

Note: You can also see videos that you haven't uploaded personally, but for which you were assigned as the "Person in charge".

These videos will be highlighted in the video list with a little icon in the top left corner of a thumbnail that shows "In charge of video" when you hover over it.

This helps to distinguish between videos you uploaded and videos you were assigned.

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Use the arrows to navigate through the videos of "My videos" with your account.

To edit or delete a video, click the triple-dot icon beneath your desired video. Select either "Edit' or "Delete".

  • If you edit a video, you will be brought to the editing page

  • If you select delete, a warning dialog will pop up. Click "Delete" to delete the video.

Search for uploads

In CorporateTube, you can search for videos or podcasts using the search bar in the top-right corner.


You can search using titles, descriptions or keywords.

The search results will show all uploads that match the search term and display them in a grid.

You can sort the displayed results by

  • relevance: the most relevant videos are displayed first. Here, it is determined by the keyword used in the search.

  • date: the most recent videos are displayed first, based on the "display date" metadata set in VMPro.

  • title: the results are displayed in alphabetic order.

  • number of plays: the results are displayed in descending order; videos with the highest number of views are displayed first.

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