Using OBS with LiveStream Pro
  • 24 Apr 2024

Using OBS with LiveStream Pro

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About this section

This section describes how to stream an event from OBS to LiveStream Pro. You can also use another streaming software.

Create a scene in OBS

  • If using OBS for the first time, create a scene with a video.

  • Click on the + icon in the scene tab at the bottom left.

  • Give the scene a name and confirm.

  • Click on the + icon in the source tab at the bottom.

Add a source

Streaming from different media sources

  • Select Media Source to stream from different media sources.

  • Select the video from your PC.

  • Enable the loop function and click "OK" to confirm.

Streaming from other sources

  • If you are streaming from your desktop or laptop, select Display Capture.

  • If you are streaming from your webcam, select Video Capture Device.

Configure OBS stream settings

  • Click on "Settings" under "Controls":

  • In the popup that appears, click on "Stream" from the left side.

  • Choose "Custom..." from the Service drop-down menu.

  • Enable "Use authentication"

  • In your LiveStream Pro account, click on the Encoder tab and copy the following information from Broadcasting details to OBS (this will vary according to the protocol chosen).

RTMPS protocol

The following table tells you where to enter the information from LiveStream Pro in OBS.

LiveStream Pro entry

OBS entry


Server URL

Server Key

Streaming Key





LiveStream Pro Studio:


Then, press OK to save your changes.

SRT protocol

  • If you have selected the SRT protocol,

  • Simply paste the server URL from the setup summary in the field Server:

  • Close the Settings window by clicking "OK".

Start streaming:

Test your event before you stream

You can also test your event before you start your live event. Consult this article for more information.

Click on "Start Streaming" in OBS. A green square indicates the stream has successfully started.


Verify the stream on LiveStream Pro:

  • Return to your LiveStream Pro account.

  • Click on "HLS signal".

  • Preview the stream in the player.

  • To go live on the consumer view, click "Start stream".

  • Open the consumer view by clicking "Event preview".

Optional: Testing the presentation function:

If you uploaded the presentation in the first step:

  • In the LiveStream Pro studio, mouse over or click on the first slide.

  • Click "Publish to Stream" beneath the preview slide.

Once you've selected the desired protocol in LiveStream Pro, open the OBS application.

In OBS, open the Preferences tab and navigate to Stream.

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