  • 25 Apr 2024


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Before you begin

The Event Page allows extensive customization for your livestream event. You have the ability to personalize content for the pre-event, during the event, and post-event pages.


Use the Media page to add images, videos or presentations to all states of your events:

  • Intro (Viewers will see this page before the live stream starts)

  • Live broadcast (Viewers will see this page during the live stream)

  • Outro (Viewers will see this page after the live stream ends)

Uploading area

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 08.27.04.png

Your intro and outro Event Page can be customised with the following elements:

  1. Upload a cover image for your event from your computer

  2. Embed a video from your VideoManager Pro account for your intro and/or outro. Note that if you have not connected your VideoManager Pro account to your LivestreamPro account, you will have to log in before selecting a video to embed.

Cover image upload requirements

  • Recommended image dimension: 1170 x 660 pixels with an aspect ratio of 16:9.

  • Accepted file formats: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .gif. (up to 3MB)

Furthermore, you can add a PDF presentation to your live event. Your processed slides will be available to push during the stream in the Studio.

Presentation upload requirements

Note that only PDF files in a horizontal layout with a 16:9 or 4:3 ratio can be uploaded.

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