Moderating Q&A
  • 27 Jun 2023

Moderating Q&A

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Before you begin

You must have already enabled the option Moderated Q&A in the Messaging tab


This feature boosts audience communication and engagement. Participants can submit, view, and upvote questions, fostering an interactive and dynamic chat experience.


As briefly mentioned in the Messaging article, you can

  • disable chat
  • enable unmoderated chat
  • enable moderated Q&A.

If the option Moderated Q&A is enabled, moderators will see the following in the Studio:


NewestMessages sent by participants. They need to be approved to become visible to all event participants
ApprovedMessages that the moderator has approved. They are visible to event participants
DeclinedMessages that the moderator has declined. These could be messages that do not meet community standards. The message remains visible only to the moderator and the original sender
UpvoteParticipants and moderators can upvote messages or questions


  • Moderators receive messages from participants in real-time.
  • Moderators quickly review and approve participant messages, making them visible to other participants.
  • Moderators have the ability to decline questions that do not align with the guidelines or are inappropriate.
  • Participants can easily vote on approved messages to show their support or interest.
  • Moderators efficiently sort through upvoted questions and select the most popular ones to pass on to the presenter.

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