Publish video on social media
  • 17 Jan 2024

Publish video on social media

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Social media publication

Feature Package

"Publication on YouTube" is a separate feature package and may not be available with your account.

VideoManager Pro makes it easy to publish videos directly from asset management to YouTube. This allows you to reach a wider range of viewers.

To get started, your administrator will need to connect your company's YouTube channels to your account. This can be done by following the instructions in the Distributing Videos to Social Media Platforms section of the documentation.

Once your channels are connected, you can easily publish videos to YouTube by selecting the "Publish to YouTube" option in the asset management interface.

Videos uploaded to YouTube are subject to YouTube's terms and conditions. For more information, please consult the YouTube Terms of Service.

Providing a Video on YouTube

How to Publish Videos on YouTube

  • In the video list, select the video you want to publish on YouTube.

  • Open the Social Media accordion menu.

  • Select the required YouTube channel from the drop-down menu.

  • Enter the following YouTube-specific metadata:

    • Title

    • Description

    • Tags (The keywords given to the video in the Metadata accordion are taken over automatically. You can delete this one and/or add new tags.)

  • Select the publishing status:

    • Public

    • Private

  • Click the Distribute video button to start the upload process. You will find the current status of the transfer in the overview.

Synchronization with YouTube

Uploading videos to YouTube affects the current video source file.
Subsequent modifications (such as replacing the video file) are not synchronized with YouTube.
To re-synchronize the video, please delete the video from YouTube and click on the Re-Upload button.

How to Re-Upload Videos on YouTube

If you want to re-upload a video to your YouTube channel, you will need to first delete the original video from your channel. YouTube does not allow you to upload the same video file twice.


  • In VideoManager Pro, navigate to your YouTube channel and find the video you want to re-upload.

  • Click the Re-Upload button.

  • A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the deletion of the original video.

  • Tick the checkbox to confirm and click Re-Upload.

Can't Upload Duplicate Videos to YouTube

If you try to upload the same video file to YouTube twice, you will receive the error message "Processing abandoned". This is because YouTube does not allow you to upload the same video file twice.

If you have accidentally uploaded a duplicate video to YouTube, you can delete it directly from YouTube.

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