Reference - Response codes
  • 17 Jan 2024

Reference - Response codes

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The movingimage Platform API uses standard HTTP status codes. The lists below contain common responses and their meanings.

Response Codes

As a general rule, response codes in the 2xx range are successful, in the 4xx range are client errors, and in the 5xx range are server errors (these are rare).






Everything went as expected.



Resource was created.

  • This message is sent when you succeed in creating new content in your account (uploading a video or generating subtitles, for example).


No Content

Your request to the resource was successful.

  • In context, this usually means edits you were making (updating video metadata, deleting videos, etc.) were saved.


Bad Request

The system didn't understand your request.



You may receive this message for a couple of reasons:

  • Your attempt to authenticate with the API failed. You'll need to fetch a new token and try again

  • Your authentication credentials are invalid. Check them and try again.


Not Found

Resource was deleted or cannot be accessed.

  • When you perform a DELETE request, this is the success code you will receive in response.


Unsupported Media Type

You tried to upload a file format movingimage doesn't support. Check your file type and try again.


Internal Server Error

Something went wrong on movingimage's end (this is rare).


Bad Gateway

The server was unable to process your request.

Error Codes

Error Code




"Root channel cannot be deleted."

You are not allowed to delete the root channel.


"Channel has subchannels and cannot be deleted."

You cannot delete a channel that contains subchannels.


"Google user ID already assigned."

You cannot assign assign a social media profile to the same YouTube account twice.


"Facebook page ID already assigned."

You cannot assign a social media profile to the same Facebook account twice.


"Upload not possible because you reached your storage limit. "

If you receive this response, it means your upload was denied because you've reached the limits of your booked storage capacity


Access Tokens

  • How long does an access token last? An access token has a lifetime of 5 minutes. This means that it will expire after 5 minutes and will need to be refreshed in order to continue making authorized API calls.

  • How long does a refresh token last? A refresh token has a lifetime of an hour. This means that it can be used to obtain a new access token when the current one expires.

Video IDs

  • How is a video ID combined? A video ID is a Base60 encoded UUID. This means that it is a unique identifier composed of 128 bits, which are represented in a shortened form using the Base60 encoding scheme. The video ID is directly embedded in the URL for accessing the video data.

  • Can video IDs be customized? No, video IDs are generated automatically by the movingimage platform and cannot be customized via the API. This ensures that video IDs are unique and consistent across the platform.

Supported Characters

  • What characters are supported in VideoManager Pro? VideoManager Pro supports UTF-16 characters.

Search Terms

  • Which fields are searched when using a search term? When you search for videos using a search term, the movingimage platform will search the title, description, keywords, and custom metadata fields if available.

  • What is the separator for multiple search terms? When you want to search for videos using multiple search terms, you can simply separate them with commas. For example, if you want to search for videos that include both the terms "cat" and "dog," you would use the following search query: "cat,dog".

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