  • 18 Jan 2024


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If the event has not yet started, you can already register for the event.

Click on the "register" button.

Then, enter your name and email address. Sometimes, you might have to add more information.

After filling out the form and clicking on "register", you are registered for the event. 

Join an active Virtual Event


If event has already started, you can still enter the event.

You have two possible options:

  • You can directly join the event.

  • You first need to register before joining the event.

Joining an event

To directly join the event, click on "join event now".

You can sign in with your Google account, your email address, or continue as a guest.

If your host has set the event to private, you may need a password.

If your host has a guest list, you will first need to register.

After being registered and accepted by the host, you are then able to enter. Then, click on "join event now".

If you sign in with your email address, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to sign into the event.

A form opens, and you need to enter your name.

After clicking the button "update profile", you are in the event.

Tips and tricks

Access to microphone and camera

You need to enable movingimage to access your camera and microphone.

If you blocked access to the camera and microphone, you can enable it again either by clicking on the camera icon on the right side of the URL address bar or on the padlock on the left side of your URL bar.
Click the "Done" button and refresh the page.


If you are still having issues with your audio or video, try one of the following options:

  • Make sure you are using the Chrome browser or the latest version of Firefox or Chromium Edge.

  • Make sure you don't have any other program using the devices camera and microphone (e.g. Teams, Zoom, Skype, WebEx, etc.)

  • Make sure you don't have any firewall blocking the access;

  • Make sure you are not using a VPN or other web isolation applications;

If possible, use a private network instead of your corporate one (as it may have more restrictive configurations);

  • Restart the browser or PC/Mac to ensure no other tools are interfering with the devices.

After trying all these options, refresh the page.

Supported browsers

To manually configure the permissions on Chrome, copy and paste the following url into your url bar.

if you are connected to, use the following link: chrome://settings/content/siteDetails?

Supported browsers

Virtual Events is supported by the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome

  • Microsoft Edge (from version 85)

  • Chromium-based browsers

  • Firefox (from version 80)

  • Safari (partially)

If you are using a browser with very high privacy settings, such as Brave, you must disable the browser's ‘shields’ to enable access to your camera and microphone.

Some extensions might also restrict access to the full movingimage functionality.

You don't need to download any applications to attend a Virtual Event.

Bandwidth requirements

To ensure a smooth Virtual Event experience, you will require an internet speed of 50 MB/s.

As well, use headphones on your video calls to improve the experience of all participants.

The amount of bandwidth required to attend a movingimage event is directly linked to the amount of people in the video call.

While the system tries to adjust the quality of the call and participants video based on the bandwidth availability, we recommend a good internet connection.

For more details on the calculations, please check these requirements:

Video meeting



  • Up to 3Mbps for video upload

  • 40kbps for audio upload


  • 2.5 Mbps for "On Stage" video in high quality

  • At least 500kbps for one incoming stream at the lowest quality

  • 200kbps per thumbnail stream (excluding on-stage)

  • 40kbps for audio

For example, the downstream max bandwidth in a conference of n people would be 2.5Mbps + (n-2)200kbps + 40kbps

If you are facing connectivity issues, please make sure other devices on your network are not taking up extensive bandwidth.

Preferably, you should connect with a wired cable to avoid any noise from the wifi connection.

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