Release Notes for Virtual Events
  • 18 Jan 2024

Release Notes for Virtual Events

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Consult this section for the latest Virtual Event features.

August 2023
  • Q&A Export, 
  • MS teams integration
  • Enhanced multilingual support

You can now easily export the questions from the Q&A sessions in your event in CSV format for review, analysis and archiving.

As well, you can now connect your Virtual Event to Microsoft Teams and Azure Communication Services for more flexibility and control over your video calls.

Lastly, event descriptions and custom lobby descriptions can now be translated into multiple languages.

July 2023
  • Event map video embedding and resizing
  • Multilingual agenda support

You can now directly embed videos in your custom event maps. To find out how to embed a video, consult this article.

As well, multilingual support for the agenda is now supported, specifically for the session titles, session descriptions and speaker biographies. This article contains information on how to use this feature.

June 2023
  • Multiple e-mail templates
  • Schedule send
You can now create and store multiple e-mail templates for the guest list. As well, you can now schedule when you want to send the e-mail invitation. For more information, please consult this article.
June 2023Automatic translation of event descriptionYou can now automate translations of event descriptions written in English, in addition to providing your event description in multiple languages. For more information, please consult this article.
June 2023Multiple Q&A sessionsYou can now add multiple Q&A sessions to the main stage and meeting rooms of your event. This section is now available by default in the navigation bar. To find out more about its key features, consult this article.
May 2023
  • Navigation bar additions
  • networking app in rooms
  • custom font upload
  • updated API documentation
  • Full customization of calendar invites

The following improvements have been implemented:

You can now use the Networking circles app in your event rooms.

In Look and Feel, you can now add room and categories to the navigation bar. You can also upload custom fonts to reflect your organization's corporate identity/design.

If your event is protected by a guest list, you can completely personalize the content of the calendar invites that are emailed to participants.

Note that if you're using the Virtual Events API, you should add a header Content-type to "application/JSON" to your API request.

April 2023File explorerYou can now manage event files in the event cockpit, including adding folders, subfolders and files. At the event level, the Event Files app enables participants to access the files found within the structure created in the event cockpit. More information can be found in this article.
March 2023
  • Advanced settings
  • Enhanced attendee management

More advanced settings are now available in the configuration section of Virtual Events:

  • You can now determine where the user first arrives after accessing a Virtual Event.
  • You can prevent users from adding an event to their calendar if they have not registered.
  • Users may enter rooms with a single click.
  • Social buttons can now be removed with a configuration change in the cockpit

As well, attendees are easier to manage:

  • Attendees can be managed using drag and drop.
  • Attendees can be  shuffled in the networking area.

Users can now use keyboard shortcuts to use the navigation bar and the avatar menu.

If desired, hosts can also prevent users from leaving the mainstage.

March 2023Full profile attendee download
You can now export the attendee list with all the fields of their profiles, including the custom fields added to their profiles. More information can be found in this article.

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