Sharing & Embedding
  • 29 Jun 2023

Sharing & Embedding

The content is currently unavailable in German. You are viewing the default English version.

Before you begin

The Sharing tab enables you to share the direct URL of your event with viewers.
Where required, you can embed your event on another website.

Sharing Link

You can now easily share your event URL with viewers by sending them the sharing link.

Viewers will then be taken to the Viewer app, where they can participate in the livestream.


Embed code

In addition to sharing the event link with viewers, you can also embed your event in another page.

Note that embedding the event will affect the layout of the Viewer app.

Specifically, this means that the Viewer app will only display the player for optimized viewing in third-party apps.

Restrict embedding

To permit access only to browsers referred from specific domains, click "Restrict Embedding".

How to use

You can add either a fully-qualified domain such as, or a wildcard domain such as
In the second case, note that the wildcard * implies any subdomain of
You should not enter the protocol http:// or https://.*

Each value entered is validated. Note that if

  • valid values may be added to the allowed list.
  • invalid entries will be highlighted with a red border.


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