  • 30 Sep 2024


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You must have the “View video analytics” right to see the Statistics accordion

The statistics function evaluates central key metrics of videos at user-selectable intervals. Thus, you have a reliable source to measure the success of your videos.

The following chapter describes the statistical function of your account.


In the Statistic accordion menu you can see the number of Plays for a video, which indicate how many times a video was actually played. Optionally, you can export all statistical values as a CSV-file, to further process these then, for example, in Excel.

You have the option of limiting the time period for the evaluation of your video statistics. The calendar control is available for this purpose.

  1. First select the video in the video list, whose statistics you want to view.

  2. Open the Statistics accordion menu.

  3. Click on the [] icon to open the calendar control.

  4. Now select start and end of the period by clicking on the desired date. The data is updated according to the selected period:

    Please note that the graph automatically adjusts to the date from which statistical data are actually available. For example, if you have selected the 1st November as the start date and statistical data is available only from the 12th November, the graph will show data from the 12th November.

  5. Also choose the display type using the following buttons:

    •  line chart,

    • – bar chart, or

    •  – column chart

  6. To export statistical data, click on "CSV-export" and save the CSV-file locally.


In addition to the statistical data, the Statistics accordion menu also shows which web pages your videos are linked to. Here, the appropriate URLs of web pages are listed. You can directly open the web pages by clicking on the URL. 


You can find the data at the bottom of the Statistics accordion menu and sort the list by the following criteria as needed:

  • Date,

  • Plays (quantity),

  • URL of the page.


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