Terms used
  • 17 Jan 2024

Terms used

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The following table covers the terms used in the following sections.




A user receives the permission to use the system and the data in accordance with their responsibility via the roles assigned to them. Function rights (program functions) and access rights (visibility of videos and channels) are differentiated.


A group represents an organizational entity, such as a department or subsidiary. Every video and every channel in your account has a group as owner. Newly uploaded videos belong to the group "Company" by default if they are not directly uploaded in a channel that maps to a specific group. This can be modified at any time if other groups were created. A video can only be assigned to exactly one group. Typically, only members of the owners group have access to the corresponding channels and videos. This may be revised however through access profiles.


A user role defines tasks, characteristics, and above all the user's rights. The role specifies what actions a user can perform on videos and channels belonging to their group. Because the role is group-specific, it is possible to assign different rights to a user in different groups.

Role rights

You can assign a role to following rights:

  • administration area: with this right, you can perform administrative tasks, these include among other things the creation of new users, group management, adding new metadata or the creation of new social media profiles.

  • edit security policies

  • channel: create, view, edit, delete, view sub-channels

  • videos: watch, edit, replace, upload, delete, publish, add to a channel, remove from a channel

  • social media: publication on YouTube

Global access profile

The global access profile applies to all videos in your account. It is set globally in the account overview. Users can access non-group videos in accordance with the global access profile.

Access profile

Access rights that are possible on a single video can be given by an access profile. This way, users not directly belonging to the group associated with the video can still work with the video (e.g., edit and manage data).

If no access profile for a video is selected, only users in the same group as the video have access to it. If a video is uploaded directly in a channel, it inherits the default access profile of the channel. This profile can be modified later in the accordion menu Security.

Access right

Access rights are for example, administrative rights, channel-specific rights, or video-specific rights.

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