  • 18 Jan 2024


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Customize Video Thumbnails in CorporateTube

By default, CorporateTube automatically generates and displays a thumbnail for your uploaded videos. However, you have the option to customize this thumbnail.

To create a custom thumbnail for your video, follow these steps:

  1. Access the "My Videos" section from the control bar drop-down menu.

  2. Locate the video you want to edit and click the triple-dot icon adjacent to it. Select "Edit" from the options.

  3. The edit page for your video will appear. Click the "Thumbnail" tab.

  4. Click the "Create new Thumbnail" button.

  5. In the preview player, start your video by pressing the play button. Once you reach the desired frame for your thumbnail, pause the video and click the "[ Create ]" button.

  6. You will be redirected back to the editing page. Your custom thumbnail is now saved, and the preview will reflect the updated thumbnail.

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