- 19 Feb 2025
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Transcripts in the Player
- Aktualisiert am 19 Feb 2025
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Transcripts in the Player
The transcript feature now allows viewers to view the text-based representation of the audio content in a video in a split-screen view in the player. The split screen view enables the viewers to follow along with the media, search for specific content, and interact with timestamps in an intuitive interface.
The transcript interface offers
Interactive Timeline
A visual timeline is provided below the media, displaying markers indicating where each transcript section aligns
Users can hover over the timeline to preview transcript snippets and click to jump to the corresponding part of the media.
Synced with Video/Audio
The transcript is synchronized with the media, ensuring users can follow along in real time.
Clicking on a sentence in the transcript jumps directly to that point in the media.
Clicking on a position in the media timeline jumps to the corresponding section of the transcript.
Users can toggle an ‘Sync with video’ option to keep the transcript in sync with the media playback.
Clickable Timestamps
Each line of the transcript includes a clickable timestamp.
Clicking a timestamp moves the media playback to the corresponding moment.
This feature allows precise navigation for users looking to review or reference specific sections quickly
Language Selection
A language selection dropdown is available at the top of the transcript panel.
Users can choose their preferred transcript language if multiple languages are available.
Changing the language updates the transcript in real-time without affecting media playback
Search in Transcript
A search bar is available at the top of the transcript panel.
Users can enter keywords or phrases to find specific sections in the transcript.
Matching results are highlighted, and users can click on them to jump directly to that part of the media.
Viewing Transcripts in the player
Transcripts icons appears in the player controls if transcripts are available for a particular video. Once clicked, the related transcript appear in a split-screen layout where the media plays on one side and the transcript is displayed on the other.
The enhanced transcript experience makes it easier for users to navigate video content, search for information, and engage with media more interactively