  • 19 Jan 2024


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The Webcast configuration determines what content is displayed to visitors, who may access the Webcast, presentation slides, languages, and a host of other settings.

You can edit an existing configuration by simply clicking on the row in the list of Webcasts, containing the relevant Webcast title.

Webcast States

A Webcast exists in one of the four following states:

  • Pre-live: In this state, a single playback video is displayed, which is useful as a teaser to the main event. Additionally, one slide can be displayed, which may contain prepared information about the upcoming live event.

  • Live: In this state, the live video is streamed, and slides are synchronised by the Webcast Operator. Viewers can interact through the chat function and ask questions, which speakers can reply to.

  • Post-live: in this state, either the live video is replayed using the Digital Video Recording (DVR) feature, or a single playback video is displayed. Again, one slide can be displayed pointing to other information about the event.

  • On demand: The recording of the live Webcast is available on demand, so that viewers can watch it at any time. Viewers will see all slides that were synchronised during the original live presentation, and be able to navigate through the presentation by clicking on the slides themselves.

In the list of Webcasts, each state is identified by a colored bar at the start of the row.

The Webcast Operator can switch from the post-live to pre-live status to test a scheduled webcast. Once a webcast has been turned to the on demand status, no change can be made.

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