Analytics Overview Dashboard
  • 18 Jan 2024

Analytics Overview Dashboard

Article summary

Analytics Overview Dashboard


The Analytics Overview Dashboard provides a high-level overview of your video data through graphs and tables predefined by movingimage.

The main components within the overview contain various interactive capabilities and filtering.

Once users have logged into the Analytics app, they will see the main Overview Dashboard.

Dashboard feature table

The following table highlights the different components found in the dashboard:


Chart name




Your Goals

General adjustable settings that show your overall Plays and/or Playtimes goals with time range comparison options.

Click the blue mountain icon to the top right of the screen to enter or modify your Plays and Playtime metrics.



Shows best records for Unique Users, Plays, Peak Concurrent plays and Happy plays for the last 24 hours.

Click the top bar time range options to adjust your "records".


Plays Worldwide

A heat map showing plays per country worldwide. Color range uses red for high plays and down to yellow for low plays.

Click each country to see worldwide plays info and map color. Larger countries show play concentrations by region.


Plays by Regions

Chart details and compared plays per region and the % decrease/increase.

Click on a country to see it's color and number of plays.



Chart details the TOP 20 of a dimension (e.g. device) .

Filter available Dimension category and value options in drop-down menu.

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