• 24 Jan 2024


Article summary

Before you begin

To configure your eCDN, please contact our Professional Services team. This tab is available after you have set up your event.


eCDNs (enterprise content delivery networks) help optimize network performance for live video streaming and distribution on your corporate network. They reduce the load on your network while delivering high-quality video.

Available eCDN

LiveStream Pro supports Hive P2P as an enterprise content delivery network (eCDN).

P2P networking sends video content to end-user devices active on a network. Here, your viewers (or peer) downloads content before sending it to other users (hence peer-to-peer).

eCDN Settings

By default, Hive eCDN is enabled for all events after they have been set up.

However, you can disable it for individual events in the event settings:


The eCDN is enabled only when the event is in live state.

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