Rooms and categories
  • 18 Jan 2024

Rooms and categories

Article summary

Rooms and categories

In Virtual Events, the main stage is where the main event takes place.

In addition, there are also rooms where attendees can also enter.

You can create simple video call rooms, add a variety and number of embedded applications as well as a whiteboard or collaboration tools.

Create rooms

To create a room, you need to be inside your event. If your event is not live, you can use backdoor access.

The rooms tab is found in the left navigation bar. Here, you can create a room using the "Create room" button:

Alternatively, you can use the settings button found in the top of the rooms sub-menu:

After clicking on "create room", give the room a name. Additionally, you can give it a category and description.

Here, you can also customize its look and feel or make further configurations.

As well,  you can enable apps and video calls where desired.

More information can be found in this page.

Once the room is created, you can enter the room or modify its settings:

When you create a room, you can set the following properties:

Name of the room


Description of the event

Text that is shown to all attendees before joining the room. Can be rich text (formatting, images videos, links)


Assigns the room to a category. You can select multiple categories or none.


Enables embeddable applications that attendees can use while together on the same video call.

Capacity of the room

Under the advanced configuration, you can set the limit of attendees that can be connected in this room (note that hosts can enter a room even if its capacity has been reached).

Room URL

Add a custom link to your room instead of the default one.


Tags that users need to have to access this room.

Video call URL

Add the URL to load balance the video call to another server.

Create categories

Similar to the rooms, you can create a category by being in the rooms area and click the "Create category" button via the settings menu on the top of the rooms pane.

When creating a room, you can set:

Title of the category

Can be shown on the label of the category

Category URL

In case you want to have a custom URL for the rooms inside this category

Attendees can create rooms

Inside this category or not. If the creation of rooms by attendees is enabled, attendees can create a room within this category. You will still have control of your event, but your attendees are free to define the rooms.

Picture of the category card

You can upload an image of your own or select one from

Title gradient color and text color

You can customize the title gradient color and text color based on the image of your category.

Once a category is created, it becomes visible in the rooms page. If you right-click on the category, you can edit, hide, delete or reorder the categories.

Add buttons

In the rich text editor, you can add a button that links different rooms and categories within the event.

Specifically, the rich text editor is available in the following areas:

  • Rooms description

  • Broadcast messages

  • Agenda sessions

  • Speaker profiles

  • Internal lobby page

In the rich text editor, click the last icon and specify your destination.

Breakout rooms

As moderator of a call, you can now create a breakout room inside the video call.

To do this, click on the participants' button in the call toolbar:


There you will have an option to create new breakout rooms for your call and auto-assign participants to the breakout rooms.

They can also join the breakout rooms and go back to the main call system.

Room settings

Add apps

You can add any web app that is embeddable in a web page in a Virtual Events room.

These kinds of apps can be created:

App type


Web app

Any web page that can be embeddable in another web page. You will require the app name, app URL, and where required, the allow attribute for the embedded iframe.

Video player

Embed video from any website, such as YouTube or Vimeo, or from a live stream. You need to provide the link to the video itself.


Add an image to your app

Contact cards

Add a contact card to a room. Cards help participants identify and connect with brand representatives.

Event files

Add files to your room. Where required, you can determine which file path is shown, enable Microsoft Office files to be previewed, or enable downloads.

Preview File

Enable files to be previewed

Networking circles (beta)

Enables participants to join conversation circles and move between different discussions


Run a Q&A session in this room

Rich Text

Add and share rich text, including links, images, and formatting, to your room.

Look and Feel

You can select an existing room card layout, which previews the room displayed in the Rooms section of your event.

Choose a text-only room card, a card with a medium picture or large picture layout.

You can also enable the display of the room icon.

Video Call

Here, you can use a Zoom integration for the room.

In addition, you can also use Teams or Azure Communication Services.

Please note that this integration is not automatically available. Please contact us to enable it for your specific event.

Connect to a specific MS Teams meeting: Participants can join your Veertly event and be connected directly to your designated MS Teams meeting.

Use Azure Communication Services: Veertly's default 8x8/Jitsi system can be replaced with Azure Communication Services for video calls.



  • Video streams: Up to 4 participants can receive video streams.

  • Video call functionality: A maximum of 100 participants can use the video call functionality.

  • Recordings: Recordings of the video call are not currently available.

  • Screen sharing: Participants who are presenting their screens cannot view their own stream within the video call.

  • Device selection: Each time a participant connects to a call, they will be presented with a pre-join screen to select their devices.


Get direct link

If required, you might want your attendees to join a specific room.

You can customize the direct link to your room by editing the URL on the edit page of your room.

Limit room attendees

If you want to limit the number of people in a room, you can set the number of attendees allowed to enter in the advanced configuration.

By default, the number of attendees per room is capped at 42, but you can set a higher number if desired.

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