FAQ - Transition from Webcast
  • 13 Jul 2023

FAQ - Transition from Webcast

Article summary

This page aims to answer general questions you may have about the transition from Webcast to our new livestreaming product - LiveStream Pro.

Time of Transition

When will the transition take place?

We will begin rolling out the product by the end of June. Starting in July, we will start inviting to the Early Access and scheduling each transition on an individual basis.


Will running business operations be affected by the transition?

No, there won't be any impact. With the parallel availability of Webcast and LiveStream Pro, we anticipate no disruptions to ongoing or planned webcasts.

Will there be any change in terms of capacity (number of attendees, users, streams, live event duration) compared to Webcast?

We don't expect any reduction in capacity compared to Webcast.

Will the transition result in extra expenses?

No, there will be no added costs related to the transition.

Webcast and LiveStream Pro

Is parallel use of Webcast and LiveStream Pro possible?

We will permit the parallel use of Webcast LiveStream Pro during the transition period.

What will have to be recreated in LiveStream Pro?

The following will have to be recreated in LiveStream Pro:

  • Users with their roles and access rights
  • Custom branding / theme of the Viewer application
  • Planned events that are scheduled post-Transition
  • IDP/SSO configuration
  • eCDN configuration


Which video analytics tools will be available?

Livestream Pro offers audience video analytics powered by NPAW, similarly to VideoManager Pro. This feature provides valuable insights into viewer engagement and interaction.


Which languages does the user interface support?

At first, it will be available in English and German. More languages will be added in the future for better accessibility.

Is streaming in multiple languages supported?

Livestream Pro enables users to stream live events with multiple audio tracks, allowing for seamless language switching directly from the player.

Technical setup

Will there be custom domains support?

Yes, LiveStream Pro offers custom domain support. To set this up on an individual basis, first ensure that all service domains listed here are accessible within your corporate networks.

Will the URLs for live events or streaming change?

Yes, they will. You can find a new set of domains under this link.

Which web browsers will be supported?

We will support the lastest three versions of the browsers listed in this article.

Is user interface responsive?

The Viewer side of the product is designed to provide an optimal user experience across all devices, ensuring your audience can enjoy streaming content regardless of their location or device. This includes mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers.

In contrast, the Manager and Studio components of LSPro are optimised for larger screens such as desktops and laptops to better support Live Stream production workflows.

VideoManager Pro connection

Will LiveStream Pro be connected with VideoManager Pro?

You'll be able to embed VideoManager Pro videos for live events and automatically upload live stream recordings with the new integration between LiveStream Pro and VideoManager Pro.

Users will need to authorise LiveStream Pro, granting access to only the shared channels and videos within their available video managers. This ensures proper rights and permissions are maintained while offering a seamless experience.


Will Single Sign-On (SSO) using my Identity Provider (IDP) be supported?

Yes, Singe Sign-On will be supported starting with accessing the Viewer application for attendees. SSO access for the Manager part of LiveStream Pro will come shortly after the initial launch.

You will be able to use the same IDP as currently in Webcast and VideoManager Pro.

Will I be able to protect my events with SSO login?

Yes, SSO authentication for your Viewers can be enabled.


Will eCDN (enterprise content delivery network) be supported?

Yes, LiveStream Pro will support Hive and Ramp eCDN providers.

Will my Hive/Ramp configuration be migrated from Webcast to LiveStream Pro?

Yes, movingimage will apply the same configuration in LiveStream Pro.

Content migration

What will not be migrated to LiveStream Pro?

The following features will not be migrated to LiveStream Pro:

  • Custom forms
  • Streaming servers configurations
  • Connected Video Managers
  • List of themes
  • On-demand webcasts

Do you have a question that is not answered here? Feel free to write us!

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