  • 18 Jan 2024


Article summary



Use the Reports tool to track your defined metrics and internal KPIs.

Specifically, reports provide insights for different segments of your customer base according to your criteria.

Use cases include

  1. diving deep into video playback and platform data on a view-by-view basis and seeing the full user experience

  2. generating a full list of ongoing and finished views and sessions with their unique user ID and then filter by any dimension to see desired data

  3. jumping into the view and see a timeline representing the view in addition to session, location, device, network and quality data.

Reports Manager

The list of the created reports can be found in the Reports Manager.

The Reports page can be accessed in the Tools section of the sidebar.

Once you enter the Reports Manager, you can see the list of created reports, which can be ordered by different column values.

Create a new report

To create a new report, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Create button at the top-right corner.

  2. Choose the report type from the list.

  3. Click Next.

You can now see the Report Creator, where you can specify the groups and columns that will be applied to the report.

  • The left side panel enables you to add more sheets to the report by clicking the + button.

  • The creator’s panel also enables you to define the Columns that show the metrics and how data is aggregated by using Groups.

As you add sheets and specify columns and groups, a preview of the report is displayed at the right-side panel, which shows a preview of the data being explored, showing up to 20 rows and as many columns as desired.

To view the full report, you must save it.

Add Columns

You can start your report by adding columns.

To add columns to the report, follow these steps:

  1. Click Add Column.

  2. Select the metrics you want to add from the list.

  3. Click Add.

Metrics greyed out in the menu are not available for that report.

Once you have selected your columns, you can change the order by dragging and dropping the cards into place.

If you select columns without selecting any groups, the resulting report would display a view on each row.

If there are one thousand views within your report, there will be one thousand rows showing the data for each individual view in every column.

Edit the Final Report

After configuring your report, you can further edit it by using the checkboxes at the top of the wizard.

You can select three checkboxes:

  • Show headers: Select this box to make the headers at the top of each column appear. If you plan to feed the report into another piece of software, leave the checkbox unselected.

  • Show totals: Select this box to add an extra row to the bottom of all columns showing its total, adding and making averages as necessary.

  • Show others: Select this box to add an extra row to the bottom of all columns that show a total sum or average of all values that weren’t included in tops or bottoms. For example, if you choose top 5 countries, this row would show the total value of all other countries. This function is not possible when grouping by TOPALL or BOTALL.

You can also set up an execution timer to compare the performance of your service with consistency, ensuring all views considered for a report are finished ones. This set execution timer only applies to reports generated within a 3 hour window of the current time.

Export reports

Once you have finished configuring your report, you can export it.

There are a number of options to help streamline your reports and focus on collecting data. If needed, the reports can be generated on a recurrent basis.

After setting up the necessary fields in the first page of the Report editor (the Build screen), click Next to enter the export wizard.

To export a report, follow these steps:

  1. Modify the export fields, if desired:

    1. Name: Defines the name of the Report

    2. Export format: Defines what format you want the exported file to be.

    3. Create as: Defines whether public (for all users) or private (only for admin roles).

  2. Specify the frequency of the report:

    1. One time: Set the date and time you would like to start the report and the time zone.

    2. Recurrent: Specify the recurrence, the timespan when the data is collected and the timezone.

Configuring the Notification Channels

The notification channel through which the report is generated can also be configured.

Through URL Callback

You can set your own API URL to receive the processed report download information.

Reports can also be dynamically processed, using the URL callback to configure your service to receive a processes report notification and execute a download of the report data.

The URL that you provide in this configuration should be enabled to receive a POST with the following JSON content structure:


    "title":"Report title (ReportABC_20190501)",

    "startDate":"Report start date (20190501)",

    "endDate":"Report end date (20190502)",

    "url":"Report download url ("


To download the report, you would have to then follow these steps:

  1. Parse the received JSON

  2. Execute a GET on the provided "url".

  3. In the Notification Channels section, select URL Callback from the drop-down menu.

  4. Paste the provided download URL in the corresponding field.

  5. Click Create.

The provided download URL ("url") can be used up to 5 days after the report creation.

Through Email

In order to send the reports through email, follow these steps:

  1. In the Notification Channels section, select Email from the drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the email addresses to receive the report.

  3. Click Create.

Through Slack

In order to send the reports through Slack, follow these steps:

  1. In the Notification Channels section, select Slack from the drop-down menu.

  2. Enter the Slack Name and Webhook URL and select the recipients from the list.

  3. Click Save.

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