Access control
  • 19 Jan 2024

Access control

Article summary

Access Control


Webcast now enables you to create private events that are not visible to other members of your organizationAs well, you can assign members of your organization different roles for your private event.

Access control at the customer level

You can create private and public accounts in Webcast Manager in Account Permissions.

This can be found in the Customer section of the navigation panel.

These settings only apply to newly created Webcasts.

Note that the account type chosen will determine the visibility of all new events you create.

Account Type



  • Newly created events are not accessible to all users with the Webcast Editors and Webcast Producer roles.

  • All events are private, where you can assign roles for each private event.

  • All events will show the event owner, the person who created the Webcast.


  • Newly created events are accessible to all users with the Webcast Editor and Webcast Producer roles.

  • All events are public.

  • All events will not show the event owner.

As well, you can also create users with specific roles. Find out more about these users in this article.

Access control on event level

Role restrictions

Only roles granted at the account level can be assigned to users.

If the account has been set to private, you are able to assign users specific roles for private events.

Click on the newly created event and then navigate to "Event Permissions" tab.

There, you can assign users roles for your event:

Simply enter the name or e-mail of the desired user(s) and select their desired role for the event:

The table below shows the roles available for private events:

Event Role


Event editor

  • Can access Webcast Manager

  • Cannot create new Webcasts

  • Can view events assigned to user

  • Can edit events assigned to user

Event producer

  • Can access Operator Manager

  • Can view events assigned to user

  • Can livestream events assigned to user

  • Can see the chat (not chat wall)

  • Can delete messages in moderated chat

Event moderator

  • Can access to Operator Manager is granted.

  • Only sees event names assigned to user

  • Only sees the chatwall of events assigned to user

  • Cannot access slides/HLS preview events assigned to user

  • Can delete messages in moderated chat

  • Can publish new chat messages in moderated chat

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