Access rights
  • 19 Sep 2024

Access rights

Article summary


The following table summarizes the role, video, and channel rights available on the platform.

Administration rights

Administration rights


Administration area

The user has access to the administration area and can perform all administrative tasks in the account.

Edit security policies

The user can specify a security setting for a video.

Player Generator

The user has access to the Player Generator and can customize players.


The user can access the movingimage Analytics via the main menu in VideoManager Pro

Video rights

Video rights


Delete videos

The user can move videos to the recycle bin. Videos in the recycle bin are scheduled for final deletion from the account.

Download source videos

The user can download source videos.

Duplicate videos

The user can duplicate videos.

Edit ownership properties

The user can assign owner group as well as the access profile to a video.

Edit security policies

The user can assign a security policy to a video.

Edit video metadata

The user can edit videos, for example, change metadata, specify thumbnails, etc.

Manage subtitles

The user can see the "Manage Subtitles" area.

Merge videos

The user can add an intro or an outro to a video.

Publish videos

The user can release and publish videos.

Publish videos on YouTube

The user can provide videos in a YouTube-channel.

Replace videos

The user can execute the function "Replace videos" in the advanced editing of videos.

Split videos

The user can create two videos out of one.

Trim videos

The user cut out the beginning or end of a video.

Upload videos

The user can upload new videos in the account.

Use AI feature

The user can index a video and add AI generated metadata and subtitles.

View videos

The user can view the list of videos in the video management.

Channel rights


Add videos to/ remove videos from channels

The user can add videos to specific channels, or they can remove videos from a channel.

Create channels

The user can create channels and subchannels. However, the channels or subchannels created by a user are not visible for the user if the user does not have the right "View channels".

Delete channels

The user can delete channels and subchannels, but only if they also have the right "View channels".

Edit channels

The user can edit channels (renaming), but only if they also have the right "View channels".

View channel-content

The video lists of the respective channels and subchannels are visible to the user. However, if the user does not have the right "View channels", the list of all videos is visible, but not channels with the respective videos.

View channels

The already created channels are visible to the user in the navigation (channel tree).

View subchannels

The already created subchannels are visible to the user in the navigation (channel tree), but only if they also have the right "View channels".


The following matrix shows the visibility of channels, subchannels, and video lists based on permissions

Upload Videos

In this matrix, you can see which rights are necessary in order to be able to upload videos to a channel or subchannel.

  • To be able to upload videos also the right "View videos" is necessary - in addition to the right "Upload videos".

  • To be able to upload videos to a specific channel the right "View channel" in addition to the right "View channel-content" is required

Duplicate Videos into a Channel

To be able to duplicate a video into a channel, users need more than only the "Duplicate video" right. This is due to the fact that in the framework of the "Ownership" feature, videos and channels are assigned to a group and therefore may have different associated rights for access. In the following, all necessary rights are listed.

Rights on the video that needs to be duplicated:

  • View videos

  • Duplicate videos

Rights on the channel in which the duplicated video should be placed:

  • View channels

  • Add videos to/ remove videos from channel

  • Upload videos.

A channel selection is available when a video is duplicated in VideoManager. Thereby, the selection of channels is defined according to the permissions.

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