Access Profiles
  • 17 Jan 2024

Access Profiles

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Access Profiles

Access profiles control what permissions non-owners have for videos. You can assign a default access profile to all videos, or you can assign a specific access profile to each video individually.

Create an Access Profile

  1. Click Access profiles in the navigation pane.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Enter a profile name and description.

  4. Click Create.

  5. Assign the desired rights to the access profile (see steps below).

Edit an Access Profile

  1. Select the access profile you want to edit.

  2. In the right editing pane, adjust the following settings:

    • Access profile name

    • Access profile description

    • Rights

  3. Click Save.

Changing the permissions of an existing access profile can instantly affect all videos that use it. This may cause users to lose their editing and/or viewing rights to those videos.

Global Access Profiles

You can set a global access profile that applies to all videos in your account, unless the video's access profile has been specified individually. To set the global access profile, go to the account overview and select the desired access profile from the drop-down menu.

Global access profiles can be useful for setting default permissions for all videos in your account.

For example, you could set the global access profile to allow all users to view all videos, but only allow owners to edit and manage videos.

Delete an Access Profile

You can only delete an access profile if it is not assigned to any videos.

  1. Select the access profile you want to delete.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Confirm the deletion.


  • You can set a default access profile for all videos in your account.

  • When you assign an access profile to a video, it overrides the default access profile.

  • Modifying the rights of an existing access profile can have an immediate impact on all videos that use it.


You can create a separate access profile for each department in your company. Then, you can assign videos to the appropriate access profile. For example, you could create an access profile for the marketing department that allows users to view and edit marketing videos.

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