- 17 Jan 2024
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Social Media
- Aktualisiert am 17 Jan 2024
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Link your movingimage account to your YouTube account
movingimage enables you to easily deploy your videos on social media platforms, such as YouTube.
This article will show you how to link your movingimage account to your YouTube account so that you can provide videos for your channel or page.
To allow video editors to provide videos on YouTube, you must first create a social media profile in the administration area. Then, link the desired YouTube channel to this profile.
Create a social media profile
You cannot delete social media profiles that you created. They can only be disabled at the moment.
In the navigation pane of the administration area, select the "Social Media" entry.
Click on the [Create] button at the top of the list.
Enter the desired name of the new social media profile in the text field provided.
Select YouTube as the platform.
Click on the [Create] button.
Now, link the created social media profile with the desired YouTube channel (see steps below).
Link a social media profile to a YouTube channel:
In the list of created profiles, select the social media profile that you want to link.
In the editing area, click on the [Link with YouTube channel] button.
Click on the [Accept and Link] button.
Log in with your Google account.
Select the desired YouTube channel.
Click on the [Allow] button to grant access permissions.
Each social media profile in your movingimage account can only be linked to one YouTube channel.
To unlink a social media profile from a YouTube channel:
In the list of created profiles, select the social media profile that you want to unlink.
In the editing area, click on the [Unlink YouTube channel] button.
Please note that current transfers of videos are not aborted by unlinking from the YouTube channel.