Cookie Policy
  • 08 Feb 2023

Cookie Policy

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The technologies we use

When you use our Services, we and authorised third party providers make use of cookies and similar technologies (which we will refer to collectively as "cookies"). We make use of two main types of cookies: those which will not be saved on your device, or which will only be saved on your device for as long as your browser is active (called session cookies); and those which will be saved on your device for a longer period (called persistent cookies). We take appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorised access to our cookies.

The cookies used in connection with the Services have various functions:

  • They may be (technically) necessary for the provision of our Services
  • They help us to technically enhance our Services (e.g. monitoring of error messages and loading times)
  • They help us to recognize you so we can improve your user experience (e.g., by saving the font size and data entered into webforms)


Cookies are small text files which are placed in the memory of your browser or device when you make use of our services, in particular when you use our video services or when you open a message. Cookies enable a specific device or browser to be recognized.

There are different types of cookies:

  • Session cookies expire at the end of your session (e.g., when closing your browser window) and only allow tracking your activities during this session

  • Persistent cookies remain stored on your device between sessions and allow, for example, to track your settings or activities on several websites (local storage items)

  • First party cookies are set by the provider whose online service you are using (here, it would be movingimage)

  • Third party cookies are set by a provider other than the provider whose online service you are using

Similar technologies

Similar technologies include local shared objects or local storage, such as HTML5 cookies and other video service software methods, all of which store information in your browser or device to track your activity. Additionally, there are other technologies that function without local storage in your end device and instead make, for example, use of browser functions. In this context, a "fingerprint" of your system is created that serves as a unique identifier. These technologies may function across all your browsers and in some cases are not fully managed by your browser but may need to be managed directly from your installed applications or your device.
Which service providers do we cooperate with?

3rd-party service providers

Some of our partners use cookies or other similar technologies to deliver content tailored to your interests on and off the services we provide. This includes using technologies to track users' usage of our video services, measure their effectiveness and performance and provide us with analytic information. For this purpose, data may be combined with data already collected regarding your interests. As well, these cookies track your actions in our video services for a specified period of time. Data collected by these cookies track application usage and errors, ensuring a smoother user experience. Service providers that we cooperate with include NPAW, Akamai, and Bitmovin.


We transmit information about your usage of our services, including additional data about your interaction with our product, to NPAW. NPAW designates NicePeopleAtWork S.L, Carrer Roc Boronat, 23, Barcelona, 08005, Spain, for users in the EEA, Switzerland and UK, and 79 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA, for all other users.

We use NPAW local storage items to continuously improve our services. They provide analytics usage about video performance to our clients. Specifically, they are used to measure their effectiveness, to select and provide content, to provide reports about such content and to gain insights into target groups and product developments.

You can find additional information in the NPAW Cookie Policy and NPAW Privacy Policy (both open in a new window or tab.The data is collected by NPAW whenever the video is played. As a local storage item, it has no expiration date.

You can prevent the collection of data through the NPAW local storage item by disabling NPAW Analytics.


We transmit information about your usage of our services, including additional data about your interaction with our products, to Akamai. Akamai designates Akamai Technologies GmbH, Parkring 22, 85748 Garching, Germany. We use Akamai cookies for analytics and measuring the performance of our video services.

Specifically, these storage items provide analytics usage about video performance to our clients and are used to measure their effectiveness, to select and provide content, to provide reports about such content and to gain insights into target groups and product developments.

You can find additional information in the Akamai Cookie Policy and Akamai Privacy Policy (both open in a new window or tab).

The data is collected via Akamai at video playback. As a cookie, it is stored for a definite period of time.


We transmit configuration information about the player you are using to Bitmovin. "Bitmovin" designates Bitmovin Inc Streaming Service, Multimedia Applications, Multimedia Consulting & Research, Schleppeplatz 7, Top 4.3 9020 Klagenfurt, Austria. Bitmovin is used whenever a player with Bitmovin engine is initialized on the page.

Bitmovin local storage items are required for handling the configuration of the video player in playback sessions. Specifically, they determine the start bit rate for playing videos and store other settings such as the audio volume. The data is collected via Bitmovin whenever a player with the Bitmovin engine is started. As a local storage item, it has an indefinite storage period.


We transmit data about your interaction with our video services to Mixpanel. Mixpanel designates Mixpanel S.L., Avenida Diagonal 442, 3 1a, 08037, Barcelona, Spain. Specifically, Mixpanel cookies process user actions triggered in our video services, such as login and interaction with videos and channels. The data is collected by cookies set by Mixpanel whenever the video service is started. These cookies have an expiration period of 1 year.


Google might set some cookies or similar items if you are logged into your browser with your Google account, for which you provide a separate consent within our products. More details are found in the Google Private Policy. To block these items, please log out of your Google account in the browser or alternatively block cookies in your browser settings. "Google" designates Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, for users in the EEA, Switzerland and UK, and Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, for all other users.

For more information about items set by Google, consult these links:

Google Ads Data Protection Terms

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

Google Analytics Terms of Service

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