Studio overview
  • 24 Apr 2024

Studio overview

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Before you begin

Use LiveStream Pro Studio to start a livestream, check the status of a livestream, moderate Q&A, and to access the end user view.


Once your event has been created, you can access the Livestream Studio to control your event. The Studio provides an overview of the livestream event, allows you to change the status of an event to live, monitor the status and stream quality of a livestream, and moderate question and answer sessions if it is enabled in the manager app.


  • Open the newly created event from the event list.

  • On the left menu, click on Studio.

Event Info

The operator view comprises several areas, all described in the table below:





Return to event setup


Status of the event (live or offline)


Go live button/Stop livestream button (appears when event is live)


Viewer preview


Messaging (if enabled); Example shows moderated Q&A


UI Language


Play button


Tabs for

  • Event information

  • Encoder

  • Sharing

  • Presentation (if presentation has been uploaded)


Event information tab containing

  • Event date and time

  • Event title

  • Event details (where applicable)

Encoder tab

Sharing information tab



Stream monitoring information, including

  • primary server status

  • backup server status

  • streaming time

  • number of viewers

  • server availability


The encoder section displays streaming information, such as the streaming URL.

If you chose RTMPS as the streaming protocol, the following information will be displayed:

Language and server key

Note that a separate server key is required for each language.

Streaming to Primary and Backup Servers

IMPORTANT: Connect both your primary and backup streams before going live. This will ensure that your live stream continues uninterrupted if your primary stream fails.

Note that you cannot configure a backup stream after your event has gone live.

  • The Viewer application will automatically switch to the backup stream if the primary stream fails.

  • Producers and Viewers do not need to do anything to trigger the automatic failover.

Each event can be streamed to both a primary and backup server. The Studio will show you the status of both servers, and you can choose to preview both streams or just the primary stream.

If you go live without the backup stream, there will only be the primary stream preview available in Studio.

However, if the backup stream is enabled, viewers watching the backup stream will be automatically switched to the primary stream if the backup stream fails.

This ensures that your live stream will continue uninterrupted even if one of the servers fails.

To ensure maximum availability, our primary and backup servers are located in different data centers in Europe. If the primary server goes down, the application will automatically switch to the backup stream without any interruption.


The sharing section contains both the sharing link that you can share with the livestream participants and the embed code:


If a presentation has been uploaded, you will be able to see the uploaded slides.

If the event is live, you can publish slides:

Next step - Stream to OBS

Find out how to stream from different sources to your OBS account in the following article.

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