Accessing the event
  • 29 Jun 2023

Accessing the event

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Before you begin

This article describes how end users can access a Livestream event if access has been restricted.


If event organizers choose to restrict event access, you may need to enter your e-mail or an access code. Single-sign-on may also be enabled, necessitating sign-in with your organizational account.

Public Access

The organizers have not restricted event access.
You will be able to access the event directly.

Access code

The access code feature enhance security, privacy, and access control, allowing authorized users to access events with sensitive information and enabling restrictions for designated audiences.

If this feature is enabled, you must enter a passcode, which has been provided by the organizers, to enter the event:


Email registration

You must provide your e-mail address to join the event. You may also be required to provide your first and last name:


Single Sign-on

You must log into to your organizational account to be able to access the event.

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