  • 17 Jan 2024


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Before you begin

Assigning videos to a group of owners is only available with the "Ownership" feature. Your VideoManager might not offer this feature.

You must have the right "Edit ownership properties" in order to define the owner group for a video.

Assign Ownership and Access Profiles


Ownership defines which group of users has full access to a video. Only members of the ownership group can view, edit, and manage the video.

Access profiles define which video rights are allowed for users who do not belong to the ownership group of a video. For example, you could create an access profile that allows users to view videos but not edit them.

Assign ownership

To assign ownership to videos, follow these steps:

  • Open the VideoManager Pro interface.

  • Select the video you want to configure.

  • Click the Security accordion menu.

  • In the Group section, select the group of users who will have full access to the video.

Associating a video with a group can alter access permissions, which may result in your inability to view the video.

  • Click Apply changes to save your changes.

Assign access profiles

To assign access profiles to videos, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired video in the video list by clicking on the appropriate entry.

  2. Open the Security accordion menu.

  3. Select the desired profile in the "Access Profile" drop-down menu.

Global Access Profile

The video-specific settings will take precedence over the default settings, which are set globally. For more information on the global access profile, see the Global Access Profile chapter.

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