Setup summary
  • 03 Jan 2024

Setup summary

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Before you begin

The summary page is shown after you have successfully set up your Livestream event.
This page contains important event information, such as

  • sharing URL

  • embed code

  • streaming server URL and key

  • streaming server authentication

Sharing and streaming server information

After setting up your livestream event, you will see the setup summary.

This summary conveniently displays useful information in a single page, and you can also share and send this information to participants:



sharing link

Copy and send the URL of your livestream event to viewers

embed code

Copy and use the embed code to embed your livestream event on another web page

streaming server URL, backup streaming server URL and key

Server address (can be RTMPS or SRT) of your livestream to use with your livestreaming software, such as OBS

streaming server authentication

Username and stream key that prevents unauthorized users from publishing your livestream

Open Studio and viewer apps

You can also access the Studio and Viewer apps from the setup summary page.

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