SSO Autoprovisioning
  • 17 Jan 2024

SSO Autoprovisioning

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SSO Autoprovisioning


SSO autoprovisioning makes it easy to manage access to your VideoManager Pro account. By integrating with your organization's Active Directory, you can assign roles and permissions to users and groups effectively.

Any changes made to user attributes in Active Directory are automatically reflected in VideoManager Pro, ensuring that permissions are always up to date. This streamlines access management and enhances security.


  • Streamlined access control: SSO autoprovisioning provides a streamlined approach to access control, making it easier to manage user permissions and bolster security.

  • Simplified user permission management: SSO autoprovisioning simplifies user permission management by automating the process of assigning roles and permissions based on user attributes in Active Directory.

  • Accelerated onboarding: SSO autoprovisioning enables new employees to start working immediately by granting them the necessary access to systems and applications without delay.

  • Cost savings: SSO autoprovisioning can save companies time and money by automating access provisioning and reducing the need for manual intervention.

Example use case

SSO autoprovisioning is ideal for companies with a large employee base, as it can help to streamline access management and onboarding. For example, a company with 10,000 employees can use SSO autoprovisioning to ensure that new employees are granted the necessary access to systems and applications on their first day of work.


SSO autoprovisioning is a powerful feature that can help companies to streamline access management, enhance security, and accelerate onboarding. If you have a large employee base or are looking to improve the efficiency of your access management process, SSO autoprovisioning is a worthwhile investment.

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