Upload a video
  • 18 Jan 2024

Upload a video

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Upload Videos to CorporateTube

Video upload in CorporateTube is exclusively available for internal CorporateTube accounts that utilize Single Sign-on (SSO).

The upload form can be tailored to your company's specific requirements. Contact Professional Services to arrange this customization.

If you have the necessary permissions granted by your administrator, you can upload videos to your company's CorporateTube.

Upload Process

  1. Click the [Upload] button in the navigation menu.

  2. If your administrator has enabled it, you may be prompted to accept a privacy policy or terms & conditions.

  3. Click the [Choose a video to upload] button. Select the file from the upload dialog and click [Open].

  4. Alternatively, you can drag and drop a file to upload.

  5. As the upload progresses, a progress bar will be displayed, along with form fields for naming, selecting channels, adding keywords, and describing your video.

  6. While the video is uploading, complete the mandatory fields in the upload form:

    • Title: The name of your video.

    • Channel: The channel(s) where your video will be located. You can select multiple channels simultaneously.

    • Keywords (Optional): Keywords help categorize videos by related topics and facilitate searches.

    • Description (Optional): A description for your video. You can use HTML to embed links in your video descriptions, if desired.

  7. Once the upload is complete, click [Publish].

  8. The "Upload complete" page will appear, providing a link to view the newly uploaded video. CorporateTube will generate a separate link for each channel you assigned your video to.


It may take a few minutes for your uploaded video to appear in CorporateTube. This is due to the time required for the system to generate the necessary file formats for your video.

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