Event Access
  • 15 May 2024

Event Access

Article summary

Before you begin

Where required, you can restrict access of your livestreaming event.
The rest of this article describes the four ways you can do so.

Available options for restricting events

You restrict access to your event under the Viewer Access tab:



Public access

If enabled, anyone can access the event.

Optionally, you can ask your viewers to enter e-mail address and name before they can see the content.

Access code

If enabled, viewers need an access code to access the event.

By default we generate a 6-digit code but you can edit it to define your own. We support text codes from 6 do 30 characters long.

Single Sign-On

If enabled, viewers need to authorize using Single Sign-On to access the event.

This option must be first configured by our Professional Services. Consult this article.

Specific email addresses

If enabled, viewers have to register with their e-mail address to access the event. Optionally, you can ask your viewers to provide name in the registration form.

In this option you need to provide a list of allowed participant emails. Both manual option and CSV import are supported.

Restricting access to specific email addresses

You can control who can register to your event by defining a list of allowed e-mail addresses.

To start creating a list of participants select “Restrict access to specific email addresses” option and click “Add attendees” button.

A new window will be visible on the screen. You can start adding attendees by typing e-mail addresses or reach a whole group of people by using a wildcard.

How to use

You can add either a fully-qualified e-mail such as michael@company.com, or a wildcard domain such as *@movingimage.com


In the second case, note that the wildcard * matches all e-mails under movingimage.com domain.

Alternatively, you can use CSV file import to add long lists of e-mails.

How to use

Your CSV file needs to fit the following criteria:

  • Only 5000 emails can be uploaded in a single file

  • CSV file should only include 1 column

  • The delimiter in the file should be a comma (,)

  • If the list includes duplicates, the email will be only added once

After importing the CSV file you will see how many entries are correct and how many are invalid. You can click on invalid entries to correct them or delete from the list. After all entires are correct, you can save the list.

Important note

Our system will ignore all duplicates and transform all e-mails to lower-case.

After adding all your attendees you can see the whole list of addresses. Each e-mail can be deleted or you can delete the whole list. In case you need to add more attendees, just go through the above process again.

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