Video and Channel Attachments
  • 17 Jan 2024

Video and Channel Attachments

Article summary

Attachment Types

Attachment types allow you to add extra files to videos and channels. For example, you might want to include an invoice copy with a specific video.

An administrator must set up attachment types before users can add files.

To do this, navigate to the Administration section and select Video Attachments or Channel Attachments.

Then, click the + Create button and enter a name for the attachment type.

Deleting Attachment Types

To delete an attachment type, select it in the list and click the trash can icon.

A confirmation prompt will appear. If the attachment type is associated with any files, those files will also be deleted.


You can define as many attachment types as needed, as long as each has a unique name.

Attachment types can be used to organize and manage files more effectively.

For example, you can create separate attachment types for invoices, contracts, and transcripts.

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