Release Notes for VideoManager Pro
  • 30 Sep 2024

Release Notes for VideoManager Pro

Article summary

Consult this section for the latest VideoManager Pro features.





New View Analytics permission

Introduced a new video-level permission, ‘View video statistics’, which enables users to access statistical data for the videos.

Please note that, per default, the permission is not toggled for the users in your VideoManager Pro (unless your users already had access to the data). To allow your users to access the statistic accordion for videos, you will need to actively assign the permission to their role within a group.

For more details on the VideoManager Pro roles and permissions model, please refer to this article. For details on the Statistics accordion, visit this article.


Show subtitles by default in the New Player

The new player now allows you to enable subtitles by default, including the option to set a fallback language when the browser’s preferred language is not available. This ensures a more consistent experience for viewers when subtitles are needed.

Please check the documentation for more details.


New AI feature permission

Introduced a new video-level permission, ‘Use AI feature’, which enables users to index videos and generate AI-driven metadata and subtitles.

Please note that, from now on, only VideoManager Pro administrators will have the permission by default. To allow your users to continue indexing videos, you will need to actively assign the permission to their role within a group. In addition, the user must have the ‘Edit video metadata’ or ‘Manage subtitles’ permission, along with ‘Use AI feature’ permission, in order to manage the associated video data.

For more details on the VideoManager Pro roles and permissions model, please refer to this article. For details on the AI feature, visit this article.


Manual transcoding restart

Introduced a new feature that enhances the users’ control over video transcoding on the platform. With this update, users can now manually restart failed transcodings, whether for the entire video or specific formats.

Restart Transcoding for Entire Video:

In case the transcoding process for a video fails, the transcoding for all available formats can be restarted with a single click. This ensures all resolutions and formats are processed without having to re-upload the video.

To restart the transcoding of a video, go to the video list and click on the Restart transcoding button:

Note: if the transcoding fails three times, the button won’t be available anymore. In this case, please make sure that the original video can be completely played and contact our support for further assistance.

Selective Transcoding Restart:

In addition there is also, the option to restart transcoding for individual formats that failed, such as 1080p, 720p, or lower resolution formats, without affecting successfully transcoded formats. This provides a more granular control to address specific issues.

To restart the transcoding of a single format, go to the Video Formats accordion of the video, and click on the restart icon:


Enhanced thumbnail compression

With this update, both generated and uploaded thumbnails benefit from better compression, reducing file sizes while preserving high image quality. This results in faster load times and a smoother user experience.

For more details on how to upload a thumbnail, please visit our documentation.


Configurable support contact

VideoManager Pro administrators now have the ability to define the first-level support contact or documentation that users see in the Help menu.

Please check out the documentation for details on how to change the support email address or documentation link.


Search for videos to merge

When clicking to the “Add intro clip” or “Add outro clip” buttons in the Merge Videos are of the Advanced Video Editing, you can now find a search bar to easily find content to be merged.

For more information about the merge feature please check this article in our documentation.


New Player SDK (Software development kit)

The new player now offers a SDK (software development kit) to interact with the embedded players. It provide methods and events for controlling the player and handling interactions.

Please check the documentation to know more about the SDK and find the developers documentation on installing and using it.


Download, autoplay and more new player configurations

The new player now allows enabling of autoplay of the videos and showing download menu. In addition, you can get full analytics for the shared page links now by enabling the consent banner on page links. Please check the  documentation for more details.


Improved information in player generator

Added an info icon and a white background to the information in the Player Controls section of the Player Generator to make the information more prominent.


New player controls configuration

The player generator now allows selection of control elements for the new player. The configuration allows selection of player controls for small sized player (<360px) and normally size player (>360px).

Please check the documentation for details


New SSO Security Policy type available

In this release, we have added a new security policy type that allows admins to enable the playout of videos only to users that are logged-in in their company Active Directory. Prerequisite is a working Single-Sign-On connection to movingimage and the use of our new player.

Please check out the documentation for details on how to set up the new security policy.


Improved feedback in case of failures

This release is designed to improve the user experience in the event of interrupted uploads or corrupted videos.

  1. In case of interrupted upload (possible root causes can be that the user might have reloaded the page during the upload process or because of network issues), the thumbnail will show a new icon. The user can now click on the reload icon on the top right of the video item and resume the upload by selecting the same file. See:

  2. In case the upload was not successful (possible root cause can be that the file is not recognised as a video because it is corrupted), the thumbnail will show a new icon, the progress line will be red and an error message will be shown: "The video upload was not successful due to a corrupted or broken file. Please check the file and try again."

    In such cases the broken asset has to be deleted, the source file needs to be checked and, after it has been fixed, a new upload can initiated. See:

  3. In case the transcoding was not successful (possible root cause can be that the file is not recognised as a video because it is corrupted), a different thumbnail will be shown, the progress line will turn red and an error message will be shown: "The video transcoding was not successful. Please check the source file and try to upload it again."

    In such cases, the broken asset has to be deleted, the source file needs to be checked and, after it has been fixed, a new upload can initiated. See:


New Player theming and coloring

The Player generator now offers Dark/Light theme for the new player along with options to configure it

Please check the documentation to know how to access and configure the player theme.


Changed documentation link

Due to a migration of our documentation portal, we have changed the link in the top right Help menu to point to the new documentation.



Better sorting of accordions

Following the typical editing use case, we have rearranged the order of the accordions to have the followings on top when selecting a video in the video list:

  • Video

  • Metadata

  • Publish

  • Security.



Split and Merge features

With this release, we introduced our new split and merge features. You can now split one video into two clips or add an intro or outro to a video. You can find the new features in the left menu of the Advanced Video Editing area of a video, once the feature is activated into your VideoManager Pro. To do so, please open a ticket in our support portal.

Find out more in this video and our VideoManager Pro Documentation.


New Player

With the release, the new player is now available in the player generator. The player comes with some added features to be barrier-free. Please check the documentation for details on how to create, and use the player.


Trimmed videos and their related assets

From now on, once the video is saved after trimming, the subtitles, and other assets such as chapters or overlays will be adjusted accordingly to where the video was cut. The metadata and thumbnail won’t be affected by this action.

For more information please refer to this article.


Embedded status page notifications

From now on, once a maintenance window on the VideoManager Pro is planned, a pop-up will inform users 24 hours prior as well as during the planned maintenance, as shown in the example.

In case of an incident the pop-up as shown in the picture will inform the users as well.

For more information, please refer to this article.


Improvement of the sorting of the users

In order to help administrators assign users to groups with specific roles, the list of the user in the drop-down menu is now alphabetically sorted.

To find out how to add users to groups, please refer to this article.

September 2023

Improvement: Automatic deletion of analytics data

To help enhance data protection, video analytics data is now automatically deleted when the corresponding video is deleted in VMPro.

Specifically,  all GPDR-critical dimensions (data) for that video title can no longer be accessed after the video has been moved to the trash bin in VideoManager Pro.

August 2023

Minimal tracking now available

You can now enable minimal tracking without consent to help ensure compliance with the GDPR. 

For specific information about the metrics tracked by minimal tracking, please refer to this article.

June 2023

Multiple audio tracks and audio descriptions available for a single video

In VideoManager Pro, you can now add multiple audio streams to your videos. In addition, you can also provide audio descriptions for better accessibility. Users can easily switch between audio tracks during video playback using the new control accessible within the player.

To find out how to upload a video with multiple audio tracks or audio descriptions, consult this article.

Note that only language codes can be displayed for the time being; custom labels cannot be displayed due to current limitations that we are currently working on.

May 2023

Single-sign-on provisioning

VideoManager Pro now offers Single-Sign-On (SSO) autoprovisioning.

This new feature enables seamless integration between your organization's Active Directory and VideoManager Pro. Any updates or modifications made to user attributes in the Active Directory will automatically synchronize with user and group permissions in VideoManager Pro.

For further details and instructions on how to set up this integration, please refer to the following article.

April 2023

Preferred language displayed for users logged in via SSO   

VideoManager Pro will now automatically display the preferred language for users logged in via Single-Sign-On (SSO).

This feature is enabled by an integration between your organization's active directory and VideoManagerPro that processes user's language preferences provided by your organization's active directory.

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